Author Topic: Hog Hunt this Weekend  (Read 5673 times)

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Offline mullet

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2012, 10:40:02 pm »
Saw a dead hog on the side of a back road - no headlight lenses so must have been a big 4x4 or something. 


I soooo wish I could make it down there for the piggy-palooza.  I just got a new smoker delivered and it needs to be broke in!

Ha,ha! John, I was just getting ready to Post it wasn't me ;D Good luck, hope y'all make some bacon.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2012, 01:43:52 am »
I hope Danny gets to shoot at some pigs.  He's coming a long way to chase them, I hope they cooperate.  Be nice to get some PA hog pictures. 

St Paul, TX

Offline Sidewinder

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2012, 11:36:09 am »
Heading south here in a few minutes. We'll keep ya'all posted. Hogs or not its gonna be fun and good memories I'm sure. Maybe we'll get lucky and harvest some snake skins too, who knows. Might be a bit early though. See ya when we get back.  Danny
"You know a tree by the fruit it bears"   God

Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2012, 11:14:59 am »
Met up with Danny at a country restaurant last night. We ate till we were stuffed and then compared bows in the parking lot while it was still light. Got some interesting looks from patrons. My truck's in the shop so I drove the Saturn.  Got it stuck right by camp but we were able to dig/push it out. Spent the first evening getting all the feeders running, pulling SD cards (which were full) and replacing batteries. Didn't really hunt much. Temps dropped from the 70s into the 30s but it's nice in the sleeping bags. Gonna be a fun day of shooting/bow building/knapping. Need to figure out how to post pics from this Droid phone. More later.

St Paul, TX

Offline Jimbob

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2012, 01:57:14 am »
I hope yall get some bigguns, cant wait to see pics.
You skin that smoke wagon and we'll see what happens!---Are you gonna do something? Or just stand there and bleed?

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Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2012, 02:42:41 am »
So far the hogs are no-shows. Cipriano and Diego rolled in this afternoon and are hunting together at the tank.  I didn't last very long tonight, the cold is bringing my cough symptoms back. We'll get the trail cam pics in the morning and see if we should've gone stayed out longer.  Having a great time. I think we'll work on bows tomorrow.

St Paul, TX

Offline Alpinbogen

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2012, 10:24:03 am »
Sounds like a great time.  Good luck!

Offline Bevan R.

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2012, 11:50:43 am »
I didn't last very long tonight, the cold is bringing my cough symptoms back

You take care of yourself sir!!
Bowmakers are a little bent, but knappers are just plain flaky.

Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2012, 12:35:34 am »
The hog hunt is over and I'm back home.  Danny (sidewinder) will not get back home until very late tonight/tomorrow morning.  The hog hunting was terrible.  There were hogs on trail cam pics 10 days ago, but nothing seemed moving now.  I suspect a new food source had opened up for them.  They'll be back.  Other than the hunting, we had a blast.  Danny brought a hackberry bow he was roughing out.

Cipriano and Diego came by on Friday and got a hunt in, but saw nothing.  I'd asked him to bring some salsa and he took a lot of grief for buying a non-Mexican salsa.  Can't remember where it was from now though.

We cooked burgers and steaks over the fire.

Danny took a picture of his guide, a title I'm sure will be taken away after this hunt.

We did some shooting and a little knapping and flint hunting.  The golf cart broke down and we had some trouble on the way home with a flat tire, of course there was no spare.

Very scary to change a tire with cars whizzing by at 70mph on both sides.  There's more, but I'm pooped.  Thanks for coming Danny and Cipriano (and especially thanks for saving the day by delivering that trailer ball this morning).  Sorry about the poor hunting.  We'll do better next time.

St Paul, TX

Offline criveraville

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2012, 01:43:57 am »
Great pics George and you always have a story to tell. Diego a d I didn't get to come until Friday after school. We arrived a bit before 5 to a nice juicy burger and beans waiting on us. George put us in a nice blind overlooking a tank. The previous day the weather had been 80. When we climbed out of the stand at midnight there was a heavy freeze on the ground!! We wer cold and sleepy. We had a nice warm and cozy bunk waiting on us. It was a bit loud with 3 men snoring.

Diego and I had to shag out right after breakfast. I caught greif for brining some Dutch salsa. George and Danny thought it was rather funny. I was happy to meet Danny. Super nice guy.

On the way into camp in the morning the cart wouldn't go-- to the left or right. We walked back. Danny had a ball, but it wasn't a 1 7/8. I had one. The lease is about an hour away and I just ran it up, but George was affraid I was gonna be in the dog house...  8)

Good thing we just have a cat house. Did I mention how could it got????

Fun time as usual with George. Too bad the pigs didn't move, but fun.

George please fill in on the high stakes deal you made.  ;)

I was HECHO EN MEXICO, but assembled in Texas and I'm Texican as the day is long...  Psalm 127:4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Offline Pappy

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2012, 08:38:41 am »
Had to be a good time and looks like some good eating to boot.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2012, 09:31:39 am »
Here's a few more pictures off Danny's camera.  One trip out to work on feeders Danny decided to document some of the stuff we were avoiding to prevent tire damage.  He'd heard how everything in Texas wanted to bite or stick you.  We shot these pictures along one of our roads just outside camp.

The first one is a young mesquite tree, not sure what the second one is and the last is prickly pear cactus.

Here's the bow blind Danny hunted.  (I got a nice juniper stave out of the middle of that clump.)

And, after it got dark he moved back to this box blind to hunt with the rifle.

This young boar had been there a few days earlier.

He must've found greener pastures so to speak.  They'll be back.  Too bad they picked Danny's hunt to go incognito.

I was able to negotiate a stave peeling contract with Diego so he can earn money for the gun he wants (and I can get some staves debarked).  Now if my truck would just get going again so I could haul staves over there all would be good.

St Paul, TX

Offline Sidewinder

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2012, 04:12:18 pm »
Good job on the documentary George. I'm glad you did it instead of me or we would still be waiting.
 I had a really good time and for any of you that don't know George personally, he is a jewell of a man.  He is a very talented bowyer and amazed me with his knapping. He has a little 50" sliver of a bow that is incredible and spits an arrow with authority. Gotta make one of those.
  Even though we saw no hogs it was fun none the less and was a neat adventure and a good experience. I'm sure they are all over those feeders now that we are gone, lol. We know that coons will be and I'm sure Mister 11 point will still be waiting his turn to fill your freezer next season.

Cipriano is a  really nice guy and has a great young lad in Diego. He doing is his job well in that boy and has instilled the love of primitive technology and the hunt. Its refreshing to see.

As I am sure most of you would agree, the people we meet in this primitive archery lifestyle are some of the best people in the world. If I've said it once I'll say it again, there is no other group I've been around that are more giving, humble, resourceful ,creative and capable. I can only think of a few minor acceptions to that rule. It just seems to attract a certain caliber of man, and for me thats the guys I want to be with. These two are no exception.  Had a great time guys and maybe next time we will get em.   Danny
"You know a tree by the fruit it bears"   God

Offline Jimbob

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2012, 07:54:29 pm »
Looks like a good time!!  Great pics.
You skin that smoke wagon and we'll see what happens!---Are you gonna do something? Or just stand there and bleed?

"Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I'll show you a man who'll fight for his country."
Lt. General James Gavin!/jimmy.filidei

Offline johnston

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Re: Hog Hunt this Weekend
« Reply #29 on: February 29, 2012, 10:45:12 am »
Cipriano.....Cat house?
