I haven't been on much lately as about any thing that could happen did happen all in a matter of a few weeks. Anyways, got home today and found a little yellow slip of paper in the mail box that read, "package in the back of truck". The mail guy has a tendency to strategically place packages around the place when nobody is home and then give you hint on where to find it in the mail box.
So I got to start my easter egg hunt early searching through all junk in the back of the truck looking for a package and then right about the time I started to walk off, my wife said, there it is. I said, what? She said its a tube. I said, tube? She said yeah, and pulled it out. We both stood there for a moment with a puzzled look on our face and she says, "what the heck is it"? Then I said "WAIT"! I know what that is, hand it to me carefully and step away from the truck. She says, what is it, what is it! I said, "ITS A BOW"! I will not quote what she said after that but we did part ways as I wasted no time making my way to the garage to open the package.
Here's a few pictures of RobWidens bueatiful HBI with all the fixins. The bow is 68'' ntn, pulls 58lb @ 29, IPE tip overlays with very nice leather handle treatment. The bow has an incrediably smooth draw with excellent performance- this I know because I couldn't put it down today.

Rob, you did a real nice job on that bow and I really appreciate it brother.