Thank you !!
dwardo, yes I decrowned the back. Like most bows I've built I made mistakes. This one I removed some of the sapwood before I worked the stave down a bit and roughed out the bow. There were undulations in the heartwood under that sapwood and I broke Through in one area

Fortunately Yew is very tough and this bow is light enough in weight that I got away with it and the sapwood made a sweet marbled finish under the stain. Next time I'll take the bow close to finish if I decide to remove any sap wood.
pappy I hope she'll start to shoot but she spent more time smelling it (says it smells like new furniture,

.... )... This is the first time she has ever drawn a bow.
I sure wish Yew was easier to get and not so expensive!! I sure liked working with it. It is very easy to work and feather lite in the hand.