In my limited experience, I've tried a few times to keep the bark on because I really like the look.
Some of the things I've found are:
If the bark and or cadmium are too thick (like the maple in your pic) forget it.
Very thin bark and cadmium layers can work (1/16") Ocean Spray and small green Vine Maple saplings, Purple leaf plum sometimes.
Bark cracking and popping off in localized areas can be an indicator of less than perfect tiller. Sort of like a chrysal warning but on the back
of the bow. And it can scare the crap outa ya when you hear that crack or tick when the bark lets go!

Squirting super glue into cracks and wrapping can hold down some localized areas if the rest of the bark is sound.
I've had a few successes and a few failures and I keep trying because there is just something about a primitive bow that still has the bark
with even some green moss and lichens still on it.