Merry Christmas Eve to all you guys!
I've been reading and lurking here for quite a while, and the bug has definitely bit me. I want to thank everyone at PA for sharing their knowledge and experience with the world, for free - you guys are awesome.
Here's a pic of the first bow I made, its a red oak "ELB" style. It was made from a scrap piece ripped off an oak board, so there wasn't much material there to begin with. It ended up at about 20# at 27". I learned a lot on it. It took a couple inches of set in the handle area, because in the beginning I had the outer limbs way too stiff and it was bending way too much in the handle. I don't have many pictures and most of them are terrible, so we'll skip straight to the full draw:

Now for my question:
Do any of you guys know of a lumber supply or something like that where I could get some bow wood in the Houston area? Boards are fine, something like Hickory or Ipe or Ash. My wife and I are stuck in Houston, TX because we have adopted our first child. We are waiting on government silliness before we can take him home to north GA. He's a great baby and sleeps very well, and sleeps a lot during the day. I am going completely crazy after 9 days in a hotel room, with at least another week to go. I wanted to see if I could get out for a couple hours while he's sleeping one day, just to kill some time until we can head home. Anyone have any ideas?