Author Topic: About to start a couple new bows, need some advice.  (Read 1028 times)

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Offline carpenter374

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About to start a couple new bows, need some advice.
« on: November 28, 2011, 08:07:47 pm »
Hi all. i'm about to start a couple more bows and i'd like a bit of help. I have been building bows for about 4 years now. I have pretty much stuck to a comfort zone of a traditional american flatbow with elliptical tiller. My bows are hickory, 70" long, about 1.75" at the fades, they keep the same width until about 10" from the tips then taper evenly to 3/8" at the nocks. The one i shoot regularly is tillered to 68lb @ 29". It follows the string about 2" unstrung. It's a sweet shooter and very durable. I am wanting to go with a more adamaan/holmgaard front profile and combine it a bit with the flatbow design. I have 2 staves floor tillered. 72" long. 1.80" at the fades, they keep that width until just past mid limb then taper to .75" at the nocks. Floor tiller is slightly elliptical with about 2" of bend in the limbs. I think that these staves may be a bit too narrow in the limbs to take a "eiffel tower" front profile with an arc of a circle tiller the way the adamaan/holmgaard bows do. i think that if i try to use too much of the outer limbs as stiff, non bending section that it may compromise the inner limbs into taking set. Advice is appreciated. I can post pics if i need to for clarity. I don't think it's necessary though. Thanks.
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