Do to circumstances beyond our control BOM won't happen this month!

The deadline is way to close for it to happen. Cipriano has his hands full learning all that is involved in compiling, editing and posting the many bows submitted for BOM and needs everyones assistance while he transitions into taking on BOM for Primitive Archer Magazine and our PA website.
Something new to BOM this month is all bows to be considered for BOM must be accompanied with your subscription number. You will find this on the address lable of your magazine. Cipriano has also asked that each bow submitted for BOM consideration to please PM him your subscription number and a link to your bow posting. With this little bit of help from each of you wanting your bows considered for BOM, Cipriano transition will be a lot smoother. The sooner he get comfortable with the whole process the smoother the whole process will be.
Thank you, Cipriano for stepping up to the plate! I'm looking forward to many many more BOMs with you at the helm.