The setup is pretty simple, well as simple as it can get. Use what you find. Perhaps apart from the main part of the bellow, which I put some effort into, to make it durable and air tight. The furnace is just an old steel rim with a flywheel inside. Not sure how thick it needs to be, but the flywheel makes it pretty air tight. And the air comes up through the senter of the rim via a modified exhaust-pipe. I used an engine block as an anvil, but I broke that, so I found a solid steel bar. - actually a weight for a tractor. I'm going to make a more thought through set up later. I just had to get started and find out what works and what doesn't.
I'm using charcoal now, but are considering to get hold of some pit coal. Don't know what more there is to say. The bellow blows more than enough air, and I'm sure it will do fine with larger things too.
If there is time tomorrow, I'll post some more pictures.
I made a new bodkin tonight, and transformed a horse shoe into a candlestick.