So here it is after a lot of heat tweaking,
Heated up the fades and flipped the tips slightly. Remember this bow was only shooting 36# @ 28" and took 5" of set. So I re-tillered. I was shooting and hoping for a target weight of 45# at 28".. Tillered high to 48# thinking after finale sanding and if it took any set it would come in at 45# will so far its holding at 50# at 28".
Added lots of pix at full draw or very close to it, seems to shoot dead on at 17.5 18 paces. It has a little twist upper tip,and has a little string vibration think cause of the recurved tips, its better at a higher brace, pix show bow at 5 1/4" brace but string still stretching.

Thanks For looking, Crg