I was shooting this R.Olive bow 64 1/2"ntn the other day. I was aiming for 40lbs at 28 . When I finished sanding out all my tool marks and the amount of set it took (5") it came in at 36lbs. Was super fun shooting but I couldn't stand all that set. So I put the heat gun to it and this is what I ended up with this morning. Really cool color, the back is a real light yellow/green and the belly wood is a rich tobacco with a tinge of yellow, stripped with dark brown early growth rings.
Question , Now that I have taken the set out can I aim for a higher weight say 45lbs or a bit more? and would it help to heat treat the belly? and maybe flip the tips. Might be good sinew back??
I also made out of the same Olive stave a 52"ntn flat slat bow. I don't know what you call this type of bow , its 30# at 28" bend in the handle flipped the the tips slightly The Russian Olive seems to take the heat good was so easy to work some stiff flat spots where the knots are but now I can work on them a little more. I diffidently will be making more Olive bows if this one holds up the trees around here grow like weeds.
Thanks for looking, Chuck