You know what that means.....PAIN IN THE A......thats just want this stave was. It didnt want to lay flat, it didnt want to stay straight tip to tip. The whole thing fought me every step of the way, but in the end perserverence, hard work and a TON of dry heat

later it gave in! I seen a bow in a Stim Wilcox article a few months back of the European self bow champion's bow. I loved the lines so much I did my best to recreate them, but left the snake in the limbs. Its 64" long, 52# @ 28", slightly flipped tips, western diamondback skins and my trademark Lazy Boy leather grip! Im a one man show tonite so no full draw pics, you will have to trust me on th e tiller being good....for now. I will try to get FD pics up tomorrow. As usual our 1/2 MP cam doesnt do the bow a lick of favors. Pappy I will have it with me in Elm Hall. You can tell these guys the truth when you get back from here!