Author Topic: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)  (Read 5103 times)

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Offline Elktracker

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Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« on: July 22, 2011, 03:39:08 pm »
I need some pictures of bows you recieved or made, this is info I got from calendargirl on the specifics of the pictures needed, If your pictures picked it could be in Primitive Archer Magazine. If you can help me out please send the pictures to my email or directly to Ed ingold thank you for any help :D

This is the info calendargirl gave me

"FYI, in case anyone asks you, photo requirements are rather specific and
there seems to be a lot of confusion about them. I'll try and explain
because I have to admit until I took this job I had no idea what is needed
for printing in the magazine, which is very much different than posting on
the web.

First off, photos need to be high resolution. We prefer 300 dpi, or ppi,
(which ever you prefer.) They both mean the same thing, dots per inch or
pixels per inch. Secondly, and this is where it can get confusing, we need
them sent as large full size files. As close to 1MB as possible. This is
where most people have a problem. Often photos files are reduced in size to
either send them faster, or to store them so they don't take up so much
computer space. Unfortunately that doesn't work for our needs. Often people
think if it looks good, or big on their monitor screen it's ok. Not so. Most
monitors have a resolution around 72ppi, 120 at the most, nowhere near 300
that we need. If we can get a photo file sent large enough we can often use
it even if the resolution isn't that high because we can reduce it and it
will look pretty good. That only works though if the file sent works out to
be 8 X 10 inches in size at a lower resolution and we can print it as a 4 X
5 inch , or smaller image in the magazine

If anyone has any other questions on this let me know and I will try to get you an answer

« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 06:26:07 pm by Elktracker »
my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline Matt S.

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2011, 05:28:05 pm »
What kind of pictures are they looking for? Just the bow, recipient with bow? Full draw? Or just anything that looks good? (If that's the case, I'd better not get in any of the shots!)

Offline Josh B

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 05:41:36 pm »
What kind of pictures are they looking for? Just the bow, recipient with bow? Full draw? Or just anything that looks good? (If that's the case, I'd better not get in any of the shots!)

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I didn't get in the bow trade this time, but as far as not getting in the shots, I resemble that remark!!!

Offline Elktracker

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 06:09:44 pm »
I would just say any pictures of the bows you can send me are good and I will send them all to the appropriate person and they will choose what pictures they want to use, so any pictures are good, probably some general info about the bow in the pictures and who you sent it to or who you recieved it from. thanks again the more pictures I can get from people involved in the trade that meet the requirments above the better!

my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline Michael C.

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 06:57:40 pm »
Can your email inbox handle those file sizes and if it can are they going to go to your trash/spam box?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 07:01:13 pm by Michael C. »
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Offline Elktracker

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 07:05:35 pm »
Not sure but there is only one way to find out ;D
my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline Cameroo

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 07:14:13 pm »
Can we not just send them directly to the publisher? 

Just so everyone knows, some email programs (like Outlook) will give the option to shrink pictures to a smaller size when they're attached to the email, and if you aren't paying attention you might do this accidentally.

Offline Elktracker

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 08:22:59 pm »
Can we not just send them directly to the publisher? 

Just so everyone knows, some email programs (like Outlook) will give the option to shrink pictures to a smaller size when they're attached to the email, and if you aren't paying attention you might do this accidentally.

I dont see why you couldnt send them to the editor, I will find out and get back to you
my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline Keenan

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2011, 11:35:20 pm »

Offline Elktracker

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2011, 11:44:53 pm »
Done sent? or done you will be sending them? That would be great!

my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline wildkatt

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2011, 03:13:48 am »
 8) Take some pics of the one i  sent you Josh, LOL. >:D Will send pics of the bow I get when i get it.

I didnt claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat vegies

Offline Elktracker

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2011, 03:17:32 am »
i would but my camera is a crapper and i dont think it  takes high res pics :D
my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline wildkatt

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2011, 03:22:09 am »
 >:D Guess ill have to send you the pics i got will work on it in am  >:D

I didnt claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat vegies

Offline Elktracker

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2011, 03:24:59 am »
send em away ;D thanks
my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Bow Trade Pictures Needed Please (Info)
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2011, 09:43:19 am »
I'm hoping Stringman can take pics of my bow.  All my pictures are around 200K.  I turned the camera down to low-res so I didn't have to resize all the time...duh.

St Paul, TX