Ran into a young couple that was clearing up their yard,and of course i offered to help if i could have some of the wood

Wasnt too much to salvage but i got this prunus,it almost looks like a birdcherry but not a perfect match.
The girl said the previous owner said it was some kind of wild cherry.
They are goin to take down an old apple tree later and promised to give me a call so i can come and "help" again

I got home glued it up pealed and split it ,it looked like a dna molecule

. I might get 2 staves out of it but i have to really learn how to bend wood.
Question is should i steam it and strap it down when green or try when its cured? Making firewood isnt an option unless i fail,this is a opportunity to learn.
Here is a pic of one of the staves,it almost makes gstonebergs look straight
