I have not yet come across any books etc on the subject of shooting the English Warbow, shooting the English longbow yes but not the warbow. As you are aware members of the English Warbow Society have issued at least 2 instructive videos, oif I remember correctly one on sitting into the shot and the other on the rolling loose
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyEIk_INOaYUnfortunately for you most of the efforts of the Warbow shooters are directed towards distance shooting not target shooting so they are of limited help.
A few friends who hunt and shoot in the modern style insist that I must have an anchor point,
In many ways they are correct if you intend to hunt or shoot at targets, you need to pull back to a consistent arrow length and ensure that at the time of release the string is held in the same position relative to your eyes. You may achieve these by touching your ear or someplace else with your thumb whilst feeling the correct draw length by touch of the head on your index finger, or by whatever other means you develop to do the same. I gave up trying to touch my ear with my thumb when I began drawing past the ear, what I try and do now to ensure alignment is to make sure that I can feel the fletches brushing the side of my face.
The point is for accurate shooting at targets, be they static or not, you need to develop the equivalent of an anchor, so its a case of practice, practice and more practice trying to end up with the string, arrow and bow in the same place each time.
Best of luck.
Regarding the book you mention, do you have an Author's name?
Is "The History Press" an American publisher? I don't seem to be able to locate them on the internet.