This must be yew month. Most of you know I make osage bows and have for many years. Interestingly I have received 2 beautiful yew staves in the last couple weeks. Who'd a thunk I'd ever get to try yew??? Both are quite short, around 58". One is dead straight,

the other...not so much.

I need to make an elk bow and I'm thinking a short recurve might be just the ticket. I thought it might be wiser to start with the straight stave, looked at the growth rings, and they didn't look any worse than the osage I also worked last night.

So, I tried chasing one.

It sort-of works, except there's no difference in the feel of the wood moving from one ring to the next. Be a bugger to go down several rings as the color change is about the only indicator. Maybe it isn't necessary, I never hear anybody talk about chasing yew rings? I figured I'd have to bend through the handle to get 27" of draw and am hoping for 60+lbs. I'll likely need some pointers from the yew experts.
PS. Compared to osage, the draw knife goes through this stuff like butter. Much easier on the hands.