Author Topic: trash can find  (Read 2888 times)

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Offline bubby

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trash can find
« on: June 22, 2011, 08:44:21 pm »
I was driving out to a job today and saw something sticking outta the can, thought it was some horns, quess i was right, can't belive someone would toss out all those knife handles and tip overlays :D
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Offline cowboy

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 09:15:49 pm »
Man, I gotta agree with Scott on that one. Have seen lots of (good) stuff thrown out during "shall we say - trying times ::)". Bub, you seem to be doing a lot of good recycling here lately ;D.
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 10:19:13 pm »
When I think of all the hours I spend in the Black Hills in elk wintering grounds looking for shed antlers I could just spit!  Who knew elk tossed them in the dumpsters?!?!?!
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Offline criveraville

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 02:48:07 am »
WOW!!!!! WOW!!!! I would hang that on my wall! Good find
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Offline Gus

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 03:39:40 am »
Here Here... Nice Find.

Some poor guy is gonna be PO'd...   ;D

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Offline stickbender

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2011, 03:09:35 am »

     "Hi honey I'm home from my business trip, so how was your da.....aAAAA.......what the heck happened to all the hunting stuff I had in here, and my Elk antlers.....?!!! :o :o, Oh, well while you were away, I had a few Girl Friends over, and I told them I wanted to clean up the house a bit, and so they all pitched in and helped me.  Soooo, how do you like it?  Now we have room and not cluttered with all those ol horn thingys, ANTLERS, yeah, whatever.....What did you do with those horn thingys, I mean ANTLERS?!  Oh, I threw them out, you never use them for anything, and now I can put our wedding pictures up in that space over the fireplace.  You what? :o :o  Where did you throw them?  Why in the trash silly, but before the trash man could come by some silly work man skidded his truck to our drive way, and jumped out and ran up to the can, and yanked those horn thingys, ANTLERS, yeah, whatever, anyway, he yanked them out of the can, and ran back to his truck and sped away!  Can you imagine someone doing that?!  Sometimes there is just no explaining people is there honey.  Honey? Why are you looking at me like that?  Oh don't tell me you're upset about those horn thingy's ?!  ANTLERS! Yeah, whatever.  Well why are you so upset, you can just go out and get some more of them from one of those little Bambie thingys, ELK! Yeah whatever, I mean just how difficult can that be? just whistle in that little tube thingy, ELK BUGGLE, yeah, where do you want to take me for dinner?
I just don't feel like cooking after all this cleaning.  Honey?  Where are you going, aren't you going to change?  I still have to get ready....Honey?  Now where did he go?!  He  didn't get to see how nice and clean the garage looks......
 ;D ;D


Offline bubby

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 07:25:21 am »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D, you a funny guy Wayne
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
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Offline stickbender

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2011, 04:02:15 pm »

     I try.  Glad you got a chuckle. sometimes it works, and sometimes..... ::)  But I can just imagine something like that actually happening ;D  My dream trash find is a Moose head with big antlers!  I remember as a kid seeing pictures of them in the trash up north.  And I thought Oh Man!  If I could find something like that!  And there is no telling what else that they might have in the house they would get rid of!  Oh that thing with all the dust on it, oh that was my late husband's grandfathers shot gun, I think he said it was made by a Mr. Parker and his brother or something like that, for some strange reason he was quite fond of it.  Here get it out of the house, and there is an old leather case that goes with it, and some old tools, with yellowish handles also.  Oh, and if you would, would you take these old hand guns my husband collected, and this knife collection, oh, and if you can will you please take these horrible old Elephant tusks, that my husband got in Africa, a long time ago Some time in the Fifties, on Safari.  They are as tall as I am and I can't move them, and I never did like them in here anyway.  I will pay you to haul them off, I need the space for my new paintings, and furniture, and room to store my new Christmas Ornaments......  yeah, that is my Pipe Dream..... 8)  Hey, you never know........ ::) ;)



Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2011, 05:00:09 pm »
I think we have a clear front-runner for the next Patrick McManus. 

Thanks you Stickbender for the humerous paragraph about the horn things, ANTLERS, yeah, whatever...lmao
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline stickbender

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Re: trash can find
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2011, 09:57:57 pm »

     Dang, JW, now I'm getting shy!  With a compliment like that, wow!  Thank you.  No, I think I am a long ways from Pat McManus.  He is one of my favorites though, I especially liked his "Levitation", and anything with Rancid Crabtree. ;)  I have never been compared to someone like Pat McManus, but I have been told by people that I remind them of the story of Paul Revere, you know.....a little light in the Belfry...... ::)  Well I am glad that you got a little chuckle out of it, like I said I can just imagine that actually happening.   In fact..... "SOMEONE"..... on here........uh, came home to find that his wife had cleaned out his gun, and hunting room, ::) to make room for his Daughter and Grandson, to come back home for awhile. ::)  I think he is still trying to find special gun screws, and parts etc. :o ;)  In fact he goes on quite a few Business trips too......hmmmm, I wonder if she needs any help cleaning the house on his next business trip...... ::)  So long as she told him she put it out in the trash, and not that she gave it to me.  Well, she is smart enough not to throw any of it out, but to sell those bows, and guns, and horn thingys.....but I could make out like a bandit, >:D till he got home and his Grandson spilled the beans. :o  Grand pa, you know that ol bald guy that comes over here, and drinks all your beer, and eats all of our food ?  Well he was here again while you were gone, and he took, your guns, and bows, and knives, and horn thingys, and your tools....and all kinds of stuff ! .....Then, "I" would have to take a trip out of the country..... :o ::) ;D ;D
