Dang, JW, now I'm getting shy! With a compliment like that, wow! Thank you. No, I think I am a long ways from Pat McManus. He is one of my favorites though, I especially liked his "Levitation", and anything with Rancid Crabtree.

I have never been compared to someone like Pat McManus, but I have been told by people that I remind them of the story of Paul Revere, you know.....a little light in the Belfry......

Well I am glad that you got a little chuckle out of it, like I said I can just imagine that actually happening. In fact..... "SOMEONE"..... on here........uh, came home to find that his wife had cleaned out his gun, and hunting room,

to make room for his Daughter and Grandson, to come back home for awhile.

I think he is still trying to find special gun screws, and parts etc.

In fact he goes on quite a few Business trips too......hmmmm, I wonder if she needs any help cleaning the house on his next business trip......

So long as she told him she put it out in the trash, and not that she gave it to me. Well, she is smart enough not to throw any of it out, but to sell those bows, and guns, and horn thingys.....but I could make out like a bandit,

till he got home and his Grandson spilled the beans.

Grand pa, you know that ol bald guy that comes over here, and drinks all your beer, and eats all of our food ? Well he was here again while you were gone, and he took, your guns, and bows, and knives, and horn thingys, and your tools....and all kinds of stuff ! .....Then, "I" would have to take a trip out of the country.....