Author Topic: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed  (Read 6404 times)

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Offline johnston

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My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« on: June 05, 2011, 12:00:36 am »
Now we all know that when pictures of our work areas are posted things in the background will be noticed. Ask about tiller and someone is sure to say," Take off about half a thousandth 7  61/64ths out off the fades". They may say "well I'll be derned, you got 349 bricks on your back wall. I ain't got but 300." Outside photo? "That pecan tree, the one looks like it was planted ,oh, about 1983 it has ear mites on its lower disidous apertites".

And they will be right every time. Cause for the most part these are hunters, primitive bow hunters and by god they sure don't miss much. one ever notices ;) just how messy your work area is. We can place a bow on top of a pile of shavings and folks will say" nice clean lines on that Molle" never "Sweep the damn floor ,dude". But they notice. I know they notice cause I notice.

I have made a living for over 40 years with tools in my hands and I know, absolutely know, that nothing pretty ever came out of a trashy work space. I know every tool should be put up when not in hand. I know these things.What I don't know is how things got this bad this quick. And just who is gonna straighten it out?


Offline half eye

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2011, 12:19:31 am »
Hell man, by comparison your shop is spotless !!!! no I dont care to share pics of mine.....just to nasty to contemplate ;D   as to straightenin it out.....I'm still watin on that damned shed fairy to show up.

Offline profsaffel

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2011, 12:22:56 am »
If your shop is too clean, it means you aren't doing any work. Shops aren't for showing off, they are for piling up shavings and such.
Professor of History, Student of Bowyery


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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2011, 01:04:51 am »
I see ya got a fan blowing on your wood,and dude sweep that dang floor  :D

I agree with those above...I just try not to let it go to far. And try to keep my tools at least in the same "area" when done,and ill at least push my shavings into a pile in the corner when done too.

Offline Weylin

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2011, 01:05:09 am »
Just be glad you have a shop. I have to do all my work in an apartment with a 2 year old around, meaning I can't leave anything out when I'm done for the day.

Offline Stiks-N-Strings

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2011, 01:21:55 am »
You mean there is a shed fairy! Send that fairy to my shed right away!!!!!!
learned a great deal many things during my absence the last few years,
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Offline johnston

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2011, 01:23:11 am »
Rich I was showing off the wood I cut today and having a little fun. Check out that curvaceous piece of hornbeam. Don't know what I'll do with it but had to have it.

Weylin I have to leave it out so I can find it again.
blackhawk that fan is on me!
prosaffel I agree but management doesn't.


Offline Rick Wallace

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2011, 01:29:00 am »
Is that a 1955 model freezer?  ???  Bet its full of critters  ;D ;D
U.S.ARMY '86-'91  East Milton Fl.   Dont take yourself to seriously,,No one else does

Offline gstoneberg

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2011, 01:31:51 am »
You mean there is a shed fairy! Send that fairy to my shed right away!!!!!!

I'm married to her.  She will come out and clean the shop any time I let her.  Then it takes me a month to find stuff.  Worse yet, she has the gift of pitch, if I don't keep a close eye on her that big washer I saved off the last golf cart rebuild goes in the trash.  She has no appreciation for good junk.  Last time out I lost all my old golf cart seat backs.  ::)  I still love her though.  And my shop's still a mess. ;D

St Paul, TX

Offline Terrible_Savage

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2011, 04:18:35 am »
I have birds nesting in the rafters above my bench and mitre saw I'm sure the bastards just stick their tail over the rim of the nest when they need to go!

Offline Elktracker

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2011, 04:25:27 am »
I have birds nesting in the rafters above my bench and mitre saw I'm sure the bastards just stick their tail over the rim of the nest when they need to go!

 ;D :D
my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)


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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2011, 10:17:52 am »
Fisrt thing I noticed was the grain lines on that 2 x 4, I wouldnt try to build a bow with that..............................go find one with better grain....My shop used to be clean when I worke don one bow at a time. Now that I have a few cooking at any given moment the shop is never clean.
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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2011, 12:05:12 pm »
I don't worry about it till I'm done for awhile. If I have a couple of bow builds going on back to back the shop area where I work is a disaster. I'll clean it when I'm done, cause why should I waste time cleaning when I'm just gonna funk it up some more before I'm finished. Kinda like "I'll sleep when I'm dead" plenty of time for all that later.  ;)

I'm pretty particular about my yard, my house, my bedroom, and other important areas as far as neat and orderly.........but my work space isn't one of them. Too much time spent cleaning is wasted energy and time better spent working.
However.............when I'm prepping staves I have to clean the floor in between each one cause otherwise I would be waist deep in bark and sapwood. Then it becomes a safety issue and a trip hazard. I'd hate to trip over a pile of bark and plant a draw knife in my forehead or my arm.  :o ;D
~Varitas Vos Liberabit~ John 8:32

Offline Lee Slikkers

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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2011, 02:29:29 pm »
Oh heck Chirs, that ain't so bad...I've only done it twice now  ;D  I do however, now keep the leather sheath on my drawknife (had to protect the blade ya know  >:D) and my floor is ankle/shin deep right now but as you say, when you have multiple bows or projects going it is hard to clean it all up.  I will likely have to do a cleaning here shortly though as this pattern of many bows in the steamer could go on for quite a while I think  ::)
~ Lee

"The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it?"
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Re: My Poop Didn't Stink Til I Sniffed
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2011, 03:14:41 pm »
You get used to it after awhile, and wallowing in your own filth starts to feel somewhat comforting. :-\  :D
Of course I'm just kidding. I hate tripping over stuff while I'm trying to work.
~Varitas Vos Liberabit~ John 8:32