Author Topic: things we done when we were kids  (Read 6497 times)

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Offline thomas h

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things we done when we were kids
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:44:51 pm »
My curfew was lightening bugs, my parents didn't call my cell, they yelled my name, I played outside with friends, not online. If I didn't eat what my mom cooked then I didn't eat. Sanitizer didn't exist, but you COULD get your mouth washed out with soap. I road a bike without a helmet. Getting dirty was ok, and neighbors gave a darn as much as your parents did.  if you drank from a garden hose & survived!! smile. ;D

Offline ErictheViking

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 10:55:47 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D
"He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"  C.S. Lewis

Offline sailordad

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 12:16:10 am »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

i would like to add
we did chores not for an allowance or punishment
but because we had to,and they needed to be done
if you wanted something you earned it,
you didnt get it just becuase you thought you were entitled to it
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline cracker

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 12:39:08 am »
Mowed grass and raked leaves to make spending money at one point I had two other kids working for me. I swam in the creek climbed trees had my own .22 rifle which I hunted with alone.If I killed anything my mom cooked it and it was good. I once killed enough to invite family over and got patted on the back for being a good hunter and after supper I got beat half to death for shooting my sister with a red rider bb gun. Ran around barefoot all sumer and grew up just fine. Never been in trouble for stealing doing drugs or killing anyone. Ron
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Offline sailordad

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2011, 12:43:02 am »
I got beat half to death for shooting my sister with a red rider bb gun.

Ronnie, atleast you didnt shoot your eye out kid    ;D ;D
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2011, 08:46:00 am »
    I grew up the same way but I don't remember any of you down the street.

Offline cracker

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2011, 09:51:57 am »
I got beat half to death for shooting my sister with a red rider bb gun.

Ronnie, atleast you didnt shoot your eye out kid    ;D ;D
no but my sister had a sore butt for a few days me too now that I think about it.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 09:59:17 pm by cracker »
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Offline sailordad

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2011, 11:17:59 am »
one year for xmas my brotehr and i both got daisy air rifles(their version of the red ryder)
we were young 5-6 yrs old
back in the day we didnt have day care,we took care of our selves wehn my mother was at work(single parent family)
well we ran out of bb's,ut we found out in a quick hurry that the ink cartridge from pens fit perfectly in the barrel and would shoot

well 2 boys at home bored and with bb guns
mom was at work one day and we sat in the house and shot the lamp shades all day long
you couldnt realy see the holes untill you turned the light on
then it was like a disco light
shining thru all them holes it looked cool hitting the wals of the house
mom didnt think it was as cool as we did
guns got taken away for a week,and we also couldnt use a chair for a week  ;)(if ya know what i mean  ;D )
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 12:31:48 pm by sailordad »
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline El Destructo

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2011, 12:19:03 pm »
I got up before the Crack of Dawn...and went to either run Trap Lines ..(mostly Muskrat...and Rabbit Snares)...or grabbed my Zebco 202 and went fishing on the Billy Butcher Creek behind the House....and didn't come back till either the Sun was down...or my Neck looked like Hamburger from all of the Gnat and Skeeter bites...never wore Shoes...Run the Woods with my Coon Hounds...Drummer and Cheelo....and never worried about being were never alone back then...all of the Neighbors and Relatives were just as much responsible for you as your Parents...that's just the way it was.... These were a better time...and will never be the same again...glad I grew up in the 50's and 60's....Kids now a days are really being Shorted on the Growing Up years now....

Oh ...and Ronnie...I got a One Up on You and that red Ryder...My Dad bought me a Beemans Crack Barrel 177 cal Single Shot pellet Rifle for my Birthday in September one year... that next Summer...I was a Marksman with that Gun...I could hit anything from a Lady Bug at 50 my Sister Sandy's left Butt Cheek with a red Fuzzy dart ...from the Bathroom Window....and the last one cost me a Pellet Rifle...and a lot of Hide  ...from that Razor Strapping I got...after dad smashed the Gun over the Concrete Steps...   :'(
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Offline Rick Wallace

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2011, 12:46:18 pm »
Me and my best buddy would get dropped off at at the bay fishing bridge or the gulf ,no shoes no shirt no money,just fishin poles,tackle box.If it rained,we got under a bridge,if we were hungry we dove for oysters, we took our fish home for supper,fixed our tackle and did it again the next day!   ;D   Nobody botherd us and we didnt bother anyone.  My Dad knew close to everyone in the county,so I knew if I did something stupid it would get back to him,AND THAT WASNT A GOOD THING!!!  ;D
U.S.ARMY '86-'91  East Milton Fl.   Dont take yourself to seriously,,No one else does

Offline cracker

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2011, 01:30:23 pm »
Ah the good ol days, I'm sitting here reading this stuff and getting all misty eyed luckily my kids were able to grow up about the same way, My sons spent their share of time running through my old haunts. They were able to hunt and fish just like I did.Ron
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2011, 01:38:45 pm »
WOW! looking back, I did things no parent would allow today. I grew up in Norris Tennessee about 20 miles north of Knoxville.

Explored caves, remember doing 100yd mud crawls so tight I would have to turn my head sideways to get through, carbide lamps and candles.

Rode my bike 15 miles at daylight to climb over the fence at Big Ridge state park to make off with a row boat before they opened, fish all day and settle up with the ranger for the rental when we came back. He knew us and cut us some slack.

Trout fishing below Norris dam when with my fly rod when I was 10. I could look a half mile up and down the river and I would be the only one out there.  Limited out most days.

Spear fishing with homemade spear guns in Norris lake when I was 10 or 13, got there on my bike.

And the bad; Getting washed down the river when I was fishing too close to the turbines at the dam when they came on without warning, a ten foot wall of water sure will get your attention.

Making black powder and my best friend dieing in a explosion we caused when I was 13.

Getting caught in a rip current in 45 degree water below the dam and having hypothermia almost get the best of us while we were fishing on inner tubes.

The list is endless. BB battles, dangerous stunts  and the like. My parents didn't know what we were up to.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 03:13:40 pm by Eric Krewson »

Offline sonny

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2011, 02:33:06 pm »
y'all talkin' about BB guns reminded me of the wars a buddy and I had. I had a Red Ryder type, single cock and my buddy
had one that you pumped up. we'd get across the gas line from each other and shoot at one another. well I could hit him nearly
every time and could shoot much quicker. rule was supposed to be that he'd only pump his up three or four times.....
after popping him three or four times in a row I see that bastard over there pumping that thing up probably fifteen pumps or more.
then he popped me in the thigh. I dropped my gun, then dropped my pants thinking he had drawn blood but he hadn't.
but damn that hurt.
it's funny now.  oh yeah..the good old days!
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Offline Badger

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2011, 02:48:08 pm »
     I grew up in the city just outside Los Angeles, we had a few big fields left then and the storm ditches were our creeks. About all the game we had was raccoons, possums, jacks and cottontails, bull frogs and an occassional fox. When I wasn't working I was hunting with a bow and arrow or catching craw fish and catfish in the swamp.
     We didn't get an allowance, we gave our mother most of the money we made at odd jobs and she might give us a little back to spend, I admit I held back a bit most of the time. Most of my money came from keeping score at a bowling alley, odd painting and yardwork. I got my first real job at 15 sanding sailboat masts and later learned the whole process, kept that job till I finished high school.
    Worst beatings I got were for fighting with my brothers and not cleaning up the yard. Still fight with my brothers but I hired a gardener to do the yardwork.

Offline stickbender

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Re: things we done when we were kids
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2011, 09:19:43 pm »

     Dang, sounds pretty much like my childhood.  I would ride my bike the 7 or 8 miles to the beach early in the morning on the weekends,with my Buddy, and we would stay at the beach, swimming and playing all day, and then ride home, and get home in time to shower, and get ready for supper.  Sometimes, I would ride my bike down to Lantana road, and take my gig, and gig gars, before they finally filled in the drainage canal that ran along side of it.  We used to have tomato fights and cucumber fights at one of my friends farm.  The best one was at night when we broke into the packing house, and had a ball, then we were banned from there for awhile, for the five hundred dollars damage we did. ::)  That was the only time we ever did any damage to anyones property, and it was not intentional.  But when you had a BIG cumcumber coming at you at 100 mph, you tend to take cover wherever you can, even if it is in a stack of boxes! :o  My buddy whose Father and Uncles owned the farm, had an unbelievable arm.  He was one of those guys who had a natural strength.  At night we would have fights, and we would build forts out of the two by two tomato stakes, and have tomato and cucumber fights.  You always knew when "Jack" threw a big cucumber, or tomato, you cold hear it coming through the air, and you immediately hit the deck!  Then you would hear that sickening smack, and his cousin Roy scream out and cuss.  We were just thankful it wasn't us.  He could out throw all of us, and I had a decent throwing arm.  He could throw half again as far as any of us could.  We would have BB gun fights, off of ponies, and then behind the diesel drums, and whatever other structures we could find.  After awhile the brain kicked in, probably as the results in all those nasty red spots breaking all over, and we figured we had been pretty lucky, not to have shot someone's eye out. ;)  I used to make Co2 container bombs out of black powder, and a six inch cannon fuse, and rubber cement to seal it, and we would use to get fish, and such, and night it would shake the ground, and there would be a flash you see, and in the day time it looked like depth charges going off.  Then one of my buddies, decided he wanted to make them also, so I showed him how, and told him not to wait, just light and throw as far as he could, well he ended up blowing off his thumb, and part of his index finger of his right hand.  His cousins, said he just was staring at it, and then it went off.  He says to this day he doesn't know why he didn't throw it, they were all yelling to him to throw it.  He also has a piece of metal in his chest, near his heart.  We would hunt Meadow larks, and take them home and cook them.  They were good.  So are Robbins.  When I was a little boy about five or six, I remember sitting under a big Brazilian Pepper Tree, with my dad, as he proceeded to get enough for supper, with my BB gun. ::)  We would sneak into a cow pasture that had deep drainage canals, and locks, and we would catch a stringer full of BIG blue gills, and sunfish, and stumpknockers, warmouth perch, and such.  Not to mention some great tasting catfish!  Seldom wore shoes.  When I was about five, we lived on a shell rock road, and we would run barefoot on it, and never think anything of it.  Not now! ::)
