My old fave' 75# Yew bow was getting too much for me so I've made a new self Yew ELB. I went for 50# but I've tried to get the same speed as the old fave'. I heat treated the belly and put about 2-3" inches of reflex in at the same time. It was a weird stave so I didn't mind experimenting, the sap wood seemed to be hidden under a layer of heart wood, e.g the tree went, bark, heart, sap, heart... or that's how it seemed (I'd had two normal staves from the same log, alread made in ELBs. This was the least attractive which is why I took it for myself)
I made it a tad longer than usual for me (I'm only 5'10") and went for side nocks too, just for the fun of trying something different.
I've gone for a 'faux medieval' look using white Waterbuffalo horn and natural veg tan leather and mother of pearl as I've been invited to the Robert Hardy Roving Marks shoot on Sunday, run by the Medieval society.
Stats:- 71.5 ntn, 50# @ 28", about 1/4 inch remaining reflex. 167fps with a 70gn point, but shoots smoother with 100g point and drops a few fps.

Whoops that's the 60# bow I've recently done....

, which is even shorter 68.5" ntn, as it's for a short guy. You can see it's bending harder than the slightly longer bow in the next pic (same arrow being used).
THIS is my 50# Yew bow... not so pretty but quick

I like the clean, simple medieval(ish) look and it certainly chucks an arrow. Indeed it is almost as quick as my old faithful.