Author Topic: History Channel and the Clovis!  (Read 4824 times)

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Offline AncientArcher76

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History Channel and the Clovis!
« on: May 20, 2011, 06:38:25 am »
Hi guys I was watching the History Channel and it was about stone tools and had some interesting facts about the Clovis!  I was wondering if anyone saw the show as it mentioned the possibility of the Clovis origin coming from the East coast.  They said that there were only one site coming from New Mexico and over 400 plus site coming out of the Cheasepeke bay area.  It was a real interesting show to watch, also showed how they knapped it and hafted to the Atlatl and how they took the Mastedon down with it.  Last thing was real interesting was that if this was true that it would rewrite how they said was to believed how they migrated and inhabited North America... They think they came by boat from northern France as the only other place in the world which has a similar fluted point came from there.  Whether or not its true is absolutley amazing and was a great show!  Thanx guys!

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Offline Tower

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 09:29:14 am »
Solutrean theory. I've read about it. Anythings possible, remember they weren't incapable of thought or reasoning, they were only primitive by our standards. Modern man set his limitations. I think if we were capable of talking to him we would be shocked with his intelligence & capabilities.
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Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 10:23:46 am »
Thats true and there were sea fearing cultures then!  Thanx for the comment Tower...

Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
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Offline jonathan creason

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2011, 11:04:28 am »
I think I saw that show a while back.  Did they show some of the Smithsonian samples?  I remember there being a HOOGE blade core they showed for a while.
Cleveland, NC

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Offline Parnell

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2011, 12:28:06 pm »
There is a lot of interesting evidence that challenges who the first North American inhabitants were.  Here in Florida there is a site they found where there is also examples of woven artifacts that have their roots in Solutrean culture.  Can't remember, but I think it went back to 7500 BC through carbon dating.  It was preserved in some bog around Cape Canaveral. 
It's an interesting topic. 8)

Offline Tower

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2011, 01:09:19 pm »
I read an article a few months back about an archaeological site in the Tx. Hill country called Buttermilk creek. Preclovis artifacts are being uncovered there.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 03:19:15 pm by Tower »
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Offline xin

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 04:47:07 am »
Seems like independent discovery is a very likely and simpler explanation, even if the Solutrean notion  is more exciting to a lot of people.

Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2011, 04:12:47 pm »
Well it just goes to show that in this case history book are written and some things just cant be fully explained so logic plays a big part into things...for instance remember the Seaviculite??? I think its a large amount of novaculite off of the coast of South Carolina...supposedly that the native and Paleo tribes would have traveled there for it rather than the midwest... after watching that show on the history channel makes me kinda think and it is very interesting.  Last thing is it only make one wonder what is still left to be discovered out there...I live in an area where there were multiple tribes and Im constantly looking for artifacts... Thanks guys!

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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2011, 10:23:18 pm »
What was the name of the show on the history channel?  Hopefully they show it again.
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Offline RickB

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2011, 12:28:23 pm »
Journey To 10,000 BC

Rick B

Offline JackCrafty

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2011, 02:09:03 pm »
Many people forget or ignore the fact that objects float accross the oceans and land on shores thousands of miles away.  Many people only think in terms of one only lifetime when thinking about possibilities.

What do you think the odds are that a dugout canoe from France or Spain floated accross the Atlantic during a period of, lets say, 1000 years?  5000 years?  That's just one canoe.  There were probably hundreds if not thousands of objects landing on beaches in North America that floated accross the oceans.  Explorers may have been in those canoes but why do they have to be alive when they arrive?  A canoe can carry a dead person just as far as a live one.

Sometimes the answer is right under our nose.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 04:42:24 pm by jackcrafty »
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Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2011, 02:30:34 pm »
Its true but Im sure out of lets say 100 water crafts it only would take one to land on the beach... look at the polynesians and how far they traveled was said clear to South America.

Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
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Offline jamie

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2011, 07:11:32 pm »
i deal with archeologists all the time and they drive me nuts bickering about this. there are so many theories. the new evidence pushes pre-clovis in texas back to 15 thousand years, there is a clay oven found in a cave in mississippi area dating back 20 thousand years. the kicker is it has a human hand print in the clay. much new evidence points to the north eastern u.s. being the beginnings of the clovis period not the northwestern states. along the minuet islands there are sailing structures found that are being dated to 200 thousand years old. that period correlates to hominid beings having the ability to sail when it was previously thought they were simple pre-humans. then there are the piri re'is maps that show an antartica free of ice. the ice shelf there is 500 thousand years old, so who made the maps? too many questions and no way to figure it out. i love all the theories, but id rather just practice the skills.  ;D
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Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2011, 08:12:52 pm »
Right on Jamie Im with you but u know it was a proud moment to think just maybe one of my favorite point types..the "clovis" might have came from our neck of the woods!  Seriously it is all just interesting and u know how I like learning and digging for awesome!

Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
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Offline mullet

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Re: History Channel and the Clovis!
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2011, 12:19:29 am »
There are Paleo points found in Florida that pre-dated, Clovis. I, personally think that Anthropologist need to get a REAL job, and if Archaeologist can't get enough money to dig , rather than say it should stay buried, they should find a career in Landscaping or roofing. ;)
Lakeland, Florida
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