Author Topic: Love of Archery  (Read 11357 times)

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Offline Jesse

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2010, 11:18:05 am »
Some interesting and funny stuff :)
Here is my short take on it. I started with a glass bow when I was 14. Moved to a compound when I was about 18. I liked the compound for a while and got real good with it. In my early 20s I had got the bug and took my compound to the archery shop and put it on consignment. I bought a timberland safari longbow 58# at 28" for $120.  I was hooked and never went back. I started making my own so I stopped using the glass bow but never had anything against it. I do like the feel of an all wood bow better.
Now that I have built and still build bows that are capable of performing as well as the glass bows I dont see much difference. Not any meaningful difference. I shoot with fiberglass shooters all the time and they are as good a bunch as the primitive crowd. They always enjoy the more primitive bows as well. The craftsmanship that goes into some of the glass bows can be amazing in its detail. Glass also gives the advantage of durability. In weather extremes, and when your brother in law cranks it back behind his ear :). NOTHING WRONG WITH FIBERGLASS. Its like said earlier some people just like to think they are in an elite group and their way is best as though making a selfbow is harder than a laminated glass bow. Its different but in many ways much easier as well.  Most selfbow guys own and shoot guns but yet some turn up their nose at a traditional bow made with fiberglass ??? I dont care for compounds but I have nothing against them or those that shoot them. I can have fun shooting just about anything I just like all wood bows the most. :)   
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 06:28:27 pm by Jesse »
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Offline Sanford

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2010, 02:54:29 am »
Gotta say, started this topic hoping to get some good responses, and it has not been dissapointing!

JW,  I totally understand what your saying about the Upgrade bull. I find this it true with just about any sport or activity you get into. Always pushing a new product claiming some new revolutionary effect, when in fact nothing much is new. As if your 320 FPS coumpound doesn't shoot fast enough, its now 330FPS!!!!!! (which by the way is pretty awesome, however overkill). Also, the ridiculous amount of assecsories for a compound is hilarious. Even on a compound, all I need is an arrow rest.

And by the way, it may be just the elk that are becoming invincible, but I would start looking out for those killer rabbits. (Think Monty Python and the Holy Grail) You won't even see it coming, your going to need artillery backup....

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Offline JackCrafty

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2010, 08:16:05 pm »
All bows are interesting to me.  I like all types of arrows as well.

Modern, high tech archery has a different feel than primitive archery.  Firearms are a different feel altogether, but I've enjoyed shooting them all.  Shooting, in general, forces you to focus your thoughts on the target.  And then when you hit the target you get a great deal of satisfaction and immediate gratification.

Primitive archery is my favorite because I'm shooting something I made with my own hands, and because I can fine-tune my equipment.  I never truly felt "right" with archery until I finally was able to make a matched set that surpassed anything I've used before.  The better I got, the more enjoyable it became to shoot my equipment.  Now, it's become part of who I am.
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Offline wvbowhntr

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2011, 04:53:56 pm »
 I think shoot what you like and have a good time enjoy the outdoors thats what its really all about.  I love archery and there are some that may think wrong of me because i shoot carbon out of my sinew backed osage.  I went to carbon because at our trad shoots we will go out for a second round playing follow the leader and who ever gets the best shot on one target gets to pick the shot for the next target,  some times the shots get a little crazy but it is a blast but using woodies i would break 3 or 4 arrows every shoot.
As for me and my house we will serve The Lord.  Greg in WV

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2011, 10:51:36 pm »
I forgot half the stuff that was posted on this thread!  I still hope to be a Dirk Manly sorta guy some day (crossing my fingers).

Wvbowhntr, you are certainly welcome to shoot those arrows if we ever go out roving or hunting together.  But like I earlier stated, expect some good hearted ribbing. 

Good shooting, enjoy it while you can. 
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.