Author Topic: Love of Archery  (Read 11359 times)

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Offline Sanford

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Love of Archery
« on: July 30, 2010, 02:33:29 pm »
So this is bound to get some opinionated responses by even mentioning the C of F word (Compound and fiberglass) But I was wondering who else had like mindedness.

I really enjoy archery! I find it calming and exciting at the same time. When your out there shooting, the feeling of focus that you achieve is very rewarding. I get the same feeling in a lot of the activities I do, especially rock climbing. You get out on that rock and its just you, yourself and your mental focus to get you to your goal.

And I enjoy making bows, which is rewarding in the process itself, whether or not I actually made something that turns out to work.

But I feel like I am an outcast in most archery communities, or one of few, if you will. I like to shoot everything. Compound bows, Fiberglass, wooden. I sometimes mess with sights on my compound, most the time not, since I'm more instinctive and just about as accurate without them. Plus I can pop of shots crazy fast when I'm not worrying about lining up pins.

I think for me it's not so much my equipment, but the actual experience of archery. I really do love great craftsmanship and the uniqueness of the bows that people make, don't get me wrong, something about a one of a kind item is appealing. But To say that I feel disconnected shooting a compound or something made out of synthetic material is not true. For me, like i said, it's more about flinging that arrow to the target.

So you could just say that I like archery. Period. To me there is no right way or wrong way to experience it, and I feel like people always want to put others into categories and say why there way is better. Not necessarily better, just different.

Anyone else agree/disagree?

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Offline Kegan

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2010, 03:00:25 pm »
Not an outcast, I'm of a similiar mind and I'm sure there are a few here that share the same feelings. I'm working on some FG bows for my brother and friend, just another type of building, but I stick to my wooden bows because they're simply more economical (a way of life for some ;D). Lately my bows have been shooting exceptionally well, and getting better, and cost nothing, even compared to making my own glass bows. Likewise, no nasty splinters or loud power tools ;). As for compounds, even with a release and sights I couldn't shoot any better with the thing. To each their own. I hold nothing against others for using more modern gear, it's archery to me, but it'll be a wooden bow in my hands when I chase fuzzy things or try to shoot a score :)

Offline sweeney3

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 05:48:29 pm »
I'm with you.  I started off with a compound.  I don't shoot it anymore, but it's still lying around in storage somewhere.  I also have and use, regularly, several production model fg bows.  And I like them.  That said, I prefer wood/whatever natural bows.  But, there is a lot more to what makes a good person and good outdoorsman (person) than the materials they use.  There DO seem to be some loose, anecdotal, demographic trends towards people who use more restrictive equipment being the type that is less interested in trophy/top score/longest shot/etc etc etc.  However, some of the most conciencious and competent woodsmen and women I know hunt either with compounds or firearms.  This is not a new thing, and it will probably never be resolved.  I think there is merit to doing things a certain way and that it is possible to miss out on much of the enjoyment of the outdoors by bypassing those processes, but I also understand that what works for me will not work for everyone, and that it's pointless for me to try and impress my methodologies on all those around me.  I can offer them and see who is interested (and there is often a goodly number of people who are interested). 

For me, I know what I like and perfer to do/use.  That's not even set in concrete.  It changes over time.  The main thing is that I affiliate myself with people who hunt and fish and generally use the outdoors in a responsible, ethical, conciencious way.  It's also important to me that they be people that I just naturally get along with.  To paraphrase Robert Ruark, you can't be a gentlmen and a sportsman and be a bad person. 


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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2010, 05:55:38 pm »
I say that it basically comes down to this - you're right. All that matters is how much you love and connect with the weapon you are using, and how much you love and connect with nature. One or the other variable can be more than the other, or missing altogether. But when both are high, you are a happy and respectable sportsman and/or hunter, no matter what you are using.


Offline okiecountryboy

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2010, 11:52:15 pm »
I too LOVE archery.
WHEELIES are not for me. There is something to be said about connecting with wood. You can feel the personality of the bow. Especially when they blow up in your face ;D

I truly am not wanting to step on anyones toes...Seriously...But they don't call this PA for nothin.
Each to his own.
But who am I to talk...I own a winchester lever action and an AK47...You Just never know.......

In short, working wood to a finished weapon is an addiction. These guy's here are still way out of my league, but I'm learning...

God, honor, country, bows, and guns.

Offline Almostpighunter

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2010, 12:09:47 am »
 >:(  >:( Honestly I feel that to even bring up compound bows on this forum is insulting. Go take your compound and.... ::)

Okay just kidding. ;D

Actually I couldn't agree with you more. I started with a compound 65# Diamond Marquis and absolutely love it. I managed to win a couple of local shoots and even took my first and only Pig at 25yards (350lb+ Sow...still have meat in the freezer).

I absolutely cherish my compound; however, I can't tell you how much I also love to make/design and shoot my own bows. In fact the recent hunt with the compound pushed me further toward traditional archery. Sneaking up on the pig was hard, but the shot was unconsciously easy with the sight pins.

So now I am full bore traditional and train daily with my longbows; however, as the only shoots/leagues out here are for compound archers, when I get the time to join up again, I will pull the compound down and shoot with all my friends because THAT (the camaraderie, friendship and memories) is a seriously major percentage of my love of archery.

Shoot 'em all. Enjoy 'em all. Worry less.

Offline Tsalagi

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2010, 12:48:33 am »
I love archery, too! I like making arrows, shooting them, making gear, decorating my quiver, and just about everything. I didn't start with a compound bow, I just went straight for a recurve Martin Hunter (which I still have) when I started. I've never shot a compound, though I've seen them shot before.  ;D Just not for me. I did have a Horton Safari Magnum crossbow a long time back before I got started in traditional archery. It was pretty handy for dispatching feral cats.  >:D

I have a bamboo backed osage longbow Justin Snyder made for me here in a trade. That bow shoots as well as any production glass longbow.

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half eye

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2010, 01:01:31 am »
sort of been a stick bow guy for as long as I can remember, but building my own and trying to make each one better is what I like now. Trying to get something as simple yet complicated as a primitive bow to a high art just facinates the stuff out me. BUT having said that anybody that pulls a string is OK with me. it's really fun to chew the fat with other types of archers....they dont get me and I dont really get them.....but we got things in common and it's a good time.

Bye the way we had a local league in my area and I joined up and can tell ya I got my butt smoked by sighted wheelies, and everytime too.....but it was fun, hell the looks alone were priceless....not to mention some guy with carbon-fiber arrows (straight to about 10 thousandth's) looking at my flying telephone poles that might be straight to nearest 1/4" with hafted heads and 7" turkey fletch. If a guy shoots a bow he's OK, he's got his and I got mine and generally were both happy as a pig in poop ;D more power to string pullin, no matter what the string's hooked up to.

Offline Thwackaddict

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2010, 02:39:28 am »
I believe if you pull it back and it flings an arrow and gets you out in da woods!Game on,Guns have evolved and so have bows.Theres jus a selg gratification and different air of respectfullness that you get when cruising the woods with a bow and arrow you made out of mother natures own doing!Exhiliarating!!
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2010, 03:07:33 pm »
Tools are tools.  I use handsaws, bandsaws, and axes.  Every carpenter loves his favorite hammer, but there comes a time that he has to put it down and use a saw, chisel, planer, rasp, etc.  When the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, all your problems look like nails.

I have never shot a compound, but I come from the muzzleloading crowd and the idea of never going back to "suppository" guns is common.  I went from caplock to flintlock and I just love 'em.  But last year I bought my first modern deer rifle...a Rem 700 .243, installed a nice Leupold scope and a Harris bipod.  Went and shot a deer with it last year even.  It has it's place, plenty different from "Lux", my .50 cal Early Lancaster flinter. 

So, no, I am not judging you.  But just show up shooting your wheelie around me and you better expect some good natured jokes about "training wheels"!  I in turn, expect to hear jokes about needing to wear feathers in my hair, or how I must hate those Geico commercials, too.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline aznboi3644

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2010, 06:53:05 pm »
I've only been shooting sticks for about a year now.  I love it.  I love the challenge.

To me what is the challenge of aiming with sights.  I plan on buying a compound bow...but I'm still going to shoot instinctive with it.  I dont like sight pins or kissers...I am no robut.

Offline Deo

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2010, 06:54:05 pm »
I agree with you guys. A bow is a bow I respect compound bows and shooters, personally don't like them shot them never owned them. The spirit was not in it for me. My first bow when i was 10 was a 48 in sniew backed flat bow, never bought a fiber glass bow either, I like them but for some reason I am not accurate with fiberglass or compound dont know how to use the pins. I have always been more accurate with wood bows and arrows. My friend goes to lots of shoots with his primitive gear and actually quite often gets higher scores then compound shooters, he is a awesome shot and has great concentration thats about 90% of the battle for us instinctive guys. Each to his own, but i find most compound shooters either end up going traditional or primitive in the end.

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2010, 08:26:18 pm »
I've never owned a compound. I shot one once. I can't remember the last time I shot one of my FG bows. I make selfbows and that's all I shoot. My experiences are so tied into my equipment. I can't separate them. They are one and the same for me. :) Jawge
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 08:42:17 pm by George Tsoukalas »
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Offline Sanford

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2010, 10:02:42 pm »
I appreciate everybody's input!

I'm glad that there are people out there that, though they don't have the same equipment, they still have an appreciation for the sport of archery of all kinds!

Keep it coming.
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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Love of Archery
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2010, 10:18:57 pm »
I grew up shooting compounds until about a 1 1/2 years ago.  Then I discovered primitive bowmaking, and I love it.  Since then, I have built a bow shop in the garage, and stocked it with all kinds of goodies.  But, I still have the compound hanging on the wall.  Last deer season, I was struggling with accuracy with my selfbow.  I decided to go back to the compound instead of making a poor shot on an animal.  To me, it was the right decision.  This year, I will have a lot more practice time in, and I am moving my stands to allow for closer shots, so things will be different.  Compounds are amazing machines, but I hope I never shoot one again.

Also, this topic is why I love this sight.  You can use the word "compound" and not get kicked off.
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left