Author Topic: Tudor Bodkin  (Read 18245 times)

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Offline Ian.

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Re: Tudor Bodkin
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2011, 05:40:42 pm »
I have a few of those at the minute but by last batch were a bit to heavy most being 340grains which is just to much, I have heard of people drilling them out to reduce the weight, I will have to give it a try.

ALways happy to help anyone get into heavy weight archery:

Offline Inuumarue

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Re: Tudor Bodkin
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2011, 09:56:23 am »
More bad news.  Last weeks east coast storm took out the power to the foundry for about an hour or so late at night.  No one was allowed to go to the foundry due to the tornado warnings in our area so things go downhill from there.  When we lost power our two slurry mixers, which hold our ceramic coatings, shut off.  The ceramics settle out of the mix rather quickly and the polymer binders start to react when not stirred.  So both slurry mixers are now tubs of fairly expensive concrete.  To add insult to injury, the safety switches did not activate when the power came back on and the motors for both mixers are completely burnt out.  In fact we consider ourselves lucky to not have lost the building as the whole building was filled with smoke the day after.  So yet another delay to add to the list... I will let you guys know when things start shaping up.
