Well i guess the point challenge for March will be a pine tree.
Some tips for making them.
#1 Thin from the base! you have to thin from the base to keep it wide and to get it thin enough to have good notches.
#2 Pay close attention to your cross section and make sure you have good convexity. this will aid in a good final flake scare pattern.
#3 Make sue you have good semitry before you add your serrations.
#4 Doing the serrations is a lot like the 1st two flakes when notching. you want the flakes to travel to the center of the point. Set up a continues plateform and start at the tip and flake down the side till you get to the base. you want to flake about every 8th of a inch or less. dress up between your deltas and flake the other face.
#5 have fun!