Author Topic: Your Turkey Gear  (Read 15819 times)

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Your Turkey Gear
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:40:21 pm »
Just a little over a month away for Indiana 2011 Spring Wild Turkey Season and I cannot WAIT!! The first year I ever went turkey hunting in my life was last year, but couldn't get the job done. I had some success in locating them but could not get any to come in shooting range. Hopefully this year will be different. Last year I took a 62" Black Locust self bow that pulled about 45lbs at 27" and some cane arrows. This year I am working on a slightly shorter Black Locust bow with a higher poundage. Gonna try to get closer with a shorter bow and take the tasty buzzard's head off with either a flint point or a hammered spoon trade point, haven't decided yet. Anyway, in the excitement of the coming season I am curious what gear you guys that hunt turkeys use, especially those that have taken one with primitive gear. I hope to have my new turkey bow done and post pics this weekend, anyone else care to show off what you have got 'em or are gonna get 'em with?   ;D


Online Pat B

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2011, 01:01:02 pm »
I've only turkey hunted once in my life and that was 30 years ago. I'll give it a try this year.I bought a pop-up blind not long ago so I thought I'd give that a go. I will use my deer hunting set up,60" osage static recurve, bendy handle bow, cane or sourwood shootarrows with stone or trade points. I have a hen and jake decoy so I'll be using them also.
  Yesterday I saw a gobbler in full strut in an open field. He was with 3 or 4 other turkeys. Our season is still a ways off(not sure exactly when) so I want to try to pattern our resident flock, set the blind up in plenry of time for it to become part of the surroundings and give it a shot.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC


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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 01:13:15 pm »
Wow Pat, except for the bow, your plan sounds almost exactly like mine. I plan on setting up a blind as well and using the decoys that I recently bought. I don't know if I will do a pop-up blind or sheet blinds though. What size is your pop-up? I'd like to get one and use it, but I'm afraid that at the moment of draw, a bow limb would hit something and I'd miss or spook the turkey or both. All I've ever seen were 6'X6' blinds and I'm afraid it would be too small.


Online Pat B

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 02:11:10 pm »
I got mine on sale from Cabelas($65). It is 66" tall and 68" square. If I wasn't so poor I would have opted for one a bit bigger.  I deer hunted from one my friend owns this past season but never saw a deer. His is bigger and I had no problem shooting out of his. I need to set mine up in ther yard and start practicing from it. I have been shooting a little from a folding chair I plan to use and that is no problem. I'll let you know how it works from the blind. I think if you practice enough from the blind and think about your shot before you attempt it you should be OK .
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Bevan R.

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 02:19:30 pm »
I do my turkey hunting in the local food mart frozen department. >:D
I find it much easier to stalk them and I can get a better shot.

Bevan R
Bowmakers are a little bent, but knappers are just plain flaky.

Online Pat B

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2011, 02:22:36 pm »
Bevan, A friend of mine had the same opinion of duck hunting after his first hunt years ago. He borrowed a gun and was cought hunting on posted land with an unplugged gun.  :o
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Bevan R.

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2011, 02:27:15 pm »
Bevan, A friend of mine had the same opinion of duck hunting after his first hunt years ago. He borrowed a gun and was cough hunting on posted land with an unplugged gun.  :o
OUCH. That would hurt. A guy I know got home one time from goose hunting and cleaned his gun. Then went out for some ducks that afternoon and grabbed his turkey gun. (unplugged). got a mallard and was stopped by the local GW. when that 3rd shell went into the mag, it cost him some serious change for that duck.

Just never got excited about turkey hunting. My spring season involves carp. That is what I get pumped up about. Go figure.

Bevan R
Bowmakers are a little bent, but knappers are just plain flaky.


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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2011, 03:11:35 pm »
Wow Pat, that is a good deal for a blind. Do let me know how your practice shots go. I'd like to get one but like I said, just afraid it would hinder my shot. I'll let you try it out for me  ;)


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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2011, 04:24:49 pm »
My season started this morning but was not able to go...will be in woods on Friday morning before sunrise using:

66" vine maple Strunk selfbow (killamook spirit)....he made for me out of a piece of vine maple I got just before 9-11...that sat in my house until this summer.  Sent it to him Summer of 2010....and this is her maiden hunt.  Shooting 30.5 inch sitka spruce arrows with ribtek 160 heads on the pointy end.  using a DoubleBull blind this year...have had it about 5 years but first time using for turkey.

Also using a custom pot call made by guy here in SC.....   mine is the one with embedded arrow in bottom in first column.

Wish me luck...and best of same to all of you this year. 


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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2011, 04:36:10 pm »
Thanks, Brock. Sounds like you got it all set and ready to go. And looks like you have a top quality call to pull 'em in with. How much did that set ya back?   Best of luck to ya.   :)


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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 05:01:22 pm »
That one with shipping here in state was about $60...I did not think it was bad for totally custom work and sounds great.  I may have him do one in slate for me as well....

Offline jonathan creason

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2011, 06:16:33 pm »
Our season starts April 9.  I've got a heck of a place to hunt this year, and a major plus is dad gets to scout it almost every day.  Unfortunately, my gear this year will probably be limited to an 870.  Maybe by next year I'll have the confidence to face one with a stick and string.
Cleveland, NC

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2011, 06:33:12 pm »
I have shot more than a few with shotgun....told a friend i was using my bow this year....he thought I meant compound and said, "yeah with 80% let off you can hold it on him forever until he clears the decoy or a hen..."  I told him it was a selfbow with 0% letoff, no sights, nothing....  he about crapped.  Even if I never get one, I think I am his hero for trying.

Me....I would rather get one this year. LOL

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2011, 12:37:48 am »
I got my first Osceola with a bow a couple of years ago. Shot it at ten yds with a sinew backed osage bow#60, bamboo arrow and coral point. Shot it out of a pop-up blind with decoys set up real close to the blind. It flew 20 yards and walked around for a couple of minutes before it fell over. Didn't know what hit him.
Lakeland, Florida
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Online Pat B

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2011, 02:10:01 am »
How do you set your hen and jake in relation to the blind?
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC