Congratulations to Tim Ott from Collins, Missouri for his Knotty Osage Bow Winner!!!
From Tim:Been a spell since I have posted a bow, so figured I’d show ya this one. A friend approached me at Mojam last year and handed me a stave and says, ” Here ya go Timo, see what you can make outa this one”! I said “ well … uh…gee..uh …Thanks?” ( I was mumbling under my breath all the way to the truck.
I throwed that stave up on top of all the other unfinished projects and promptly forgot about it. It wasn’t until the blizzard hit us and socked us in for a good spell, that I ever thought about building any bows this year,but as the calling is, I started whittling wood. One afternoon, while I was watching some skins dry, I happened to see this old ugly wood tip sticking out, I grabbed it down and said, “ what the heck”.
Well two days later I had it pretty well whipped.
58” pin nocks/horn overs-52# @ 26”. 5 knot holes go plum through, and there were 4 worm holes all the way through also. I packed them with saw dust and shot them full of super glue. Figured it would be a bit rough in the hand but seems well mannered, and shoots a good arrow. I normally don’t like a real shiny finish but it just seemed to fit this bow, so I left it.
I dubbed this one, ”Trojan horse”
Cool story, Tim! Here's some of the fine praise this bow recieved from our fellow forum members!"thats just plain wicked looking! tiller is dead on. as always,nice work" -sailordad
"That's some FINE work right there Timo!!! Beautiful, just beautiful, can't say much more than that." -Tattoo Dave
"Now that is sweet,great looking bow from a challenging piece of wood. It that the one you was working on when Me and Shanon was bothering you last weekend ?
Glad it didn't seem to affect your focus.
Very well done." -pappy
"Too many holes and stuff. It will never hold up. I can't beleive it even comes to full draw. You photoshopped it, didn't you? I won't believe it till I shoot it. You can send it to me, and I will evaluate it and send it back... Evil Grin Beautiful!" -Frank (sparrow)
"After seeing the pictures, my neighbor at MoJam showed me that stave as he was taking it to you, we had a good laugh. I figured you would get a bow out of it, but it is way better than I had envisioned. Incredible!! I would like to see his face, when he sees it.
Beautiful job!!" -KentB