Author Topic: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!  (Read 2565 times)

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Offline Almostpighunter

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Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« on: March 07, 2011, 03:00:39 am »
Well, as much as I'd love to admit that it never happens to me, it would appear that I missed my target draw weight by a decent margin on my latest bow. It's a pretty long bow at 73" t2t and is drawing very smoothly to 30" so my thought is that  I should take some of the length off each end to up the poundage. I know there will likely be a re-tiller needed and that's okay by me, but I was wondering if anyone had a guess at how much length I should take off to raise the draw weight say 15#? Is there any rule of thumb to that sort of thing?

Right now the bow is 40#@30" and is one of the most beautiful bows I have ever made or seen (obviously I am otherwise pretty proud of this one). The tiller is currently 100% spot on (in my cross-eyed opinion), there is absolutely no hand shock and is seriously whisper quiet when shooting. I'd just like the arrows to fly with a little more "zip."

I am really torn here because of how otherwise "perfect" the bow is to me and I may very well leave it alone and enjoy a lighter bow in my collection as 40# is not all that bad; however, any advice on the matter will be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all in advance.


Offline fishfinder401

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 03:08:37 am »
what will you be using it for, because taking tips of can add allot of draw weight, but it might take away some of those qualities you like.
im not certain, just my opinion. if i were you though, try 1 inch off each end, measure it, then if it needs more, do 1/2 of each tip till the weight is reached.  i don't think it would need to be re tillered, unless it had recurves or something similar in it.
good luck
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Offline Dvshunter

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2011, 04:30:35 am »
Depending what wood you made the bow from, you could cut the tips down. If its osage and the tiller is good, I woluld say you could cut off enough to gain your weight. Can't wait to see it.
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Offline Pappy

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2011, 09:48:24 am »
Round numbers,2 1/2 to 3 lbs and inch. 2 1/2 off each end should get you close. :) Which will still give you a 68 inch bow N-N.Depending on the wood and quality of the wood and tiller should be enough for 30 inch draw. :)
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Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2011, 09:57:32 am »
   I've found with a bow that long the first inch off the tips (depending on the wood) will increase the weight a pound or 2 but as you keep shorting it will pick up weight. CUT OFF A INCH AT A TIME and see what you have. You really can't take someones messurements DIFFERNT WOOD,TAPER,TIP SIZE YOU END UP WITH. T

Offline DEllis

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2011, 04:07:09 pm »
I use the formula from TBB vol 1, always worked well for me.
Divide the weight you want (55#) by the weight you have(40#) the result is 1.375. The number to the right of the decimal is the percentage increase you need. Divide this number by 5 (in this case .375 divided by 5 = .075) This is the percentage of length the bow needs cut off. Multiply this by the length of the bow gives you in this case 5.475"  divided by 2 equals 2.737" that needs cut off each end. So about 2 and 3/4 inch off each end will give you about 55#. If your bow is long enough and wide enough to handle the strain of course. In this case you'd end up 67.5" tip to tip.........might be pushing it for 30 inch draw?
Hope this was helpfull,
Darcy :)
Darcy Ellis
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Offline Almostpighunter

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2011, 05:45:41 pm »
Thanks guys!!! Now I just have to make the call to do it. Feels kinda as if I have one perfect diamond that I am thinking about cutting in half in order to get two smaller ones. Think I'm going to see how it shoots for me at 20 yards, then decide. If it works out I'll keep it as strictly a target bow, if the saw!

Offline bubby

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2011, 06:09:01 pm »
I say if it's you're bow, and as great as it is, use it for a target bow and for small critters, and build anouther bow to the wieght that you want, jmho, but thats what I'd do, Bub
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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2011, 09:56:36 pm »
I've picked up as much as 5# by heat treating the belly on Black Locust.

Offline Almostpighunter

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2011, 02:54:19 pm »
Here's an update. Like the bone-head I am I finished the bow and re-measured the draw weight at 30" and found it had gained a couple pounds  ???

Turns out I was measuring the draw weight at 29" instead of 30" .

The bow is great and I'm gonna leave it as is. I love it (and I suppose I could always cut it later if I ever want to).

Thanks for all of the advice! You guys are great!

- Mike

Offline keef

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2011, 03:58:57 pm »
 Thats great news :)...Now please post some pictures.. i'd love to see your creation

Offline Almostpighunter

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Re: Adding draw weight? Advice PLEASE!
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2011, 01:52:27 am »
@ Keef: The bow is posted as "3 sisters snakey osage"