Author Topic: Video: Shooting my new Yew Warbow (And--Check out the English Warbow Forum!)  (Read 15686 times)

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Hello Everyone.  I thought you might enjoy this video of my first three shots with my new 110# Pacific Yew English War Bow.  I'm still a beginner with a war bow but I'm really enjoying this stuff.  I hope I can persuade some of you to go check out my new bow on the English Warbow forum here on Primitive Archer:,2427.0.html

Well here's a full draw shot:

Here's the video!

          J. D. Duff
« Last Edit: May 22, 2007, 05:48:57 pm by J. D. Duff »

Offline StanM

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Wow!  Great looking bow.  Would love to come up the coast sometime and watch you shoot it.

This house is where I take my natural rest, but my home is out there, beyond the back door.   ~ Albert "Salmo" McClain, 1965


Offline koan

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  • Brian D. Mo.
Thats awsome....Brian
When you complement a lady on her dress.....make sure she is the one wearing it.....


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You can shoot it yourself.  Where are you from?

          J. D. Duff

Offline StanM

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Just south of Eugene.  Might be able to put it through its paces at 18" of draw or so  ;D  Would be fun just to watch it shoot.

This house is where I take my natural rest, but my home is out there, beyond the back door.   ~ Albert "Salmo" McClain, 1965


Offline Asiertxu

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AWESOME Josh!!!... :o... :)...
You are doing as a PROFESSIONAL LONGBOW MAN in your video!!... 8)...nothing to see witha newbie... ;)...
Well done mate!!...
//Asier from "Basque Country" Spain.

Offline Dane

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Josh, this is a fine bow. As Jaro said, the tiller is better than the first. I like the look of this bow, too - yew is beautiful stuff.

The English War Bow section seems to have shaped up nicely, as well.

So, when are we going to get to see that fire arrow? :)
Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline jpitts

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Wow Josh...great video. I bet she's fun to shoot. Do you have any closer pics of the bow?
Jimmy / Dallas, Georgia

Offline jpitts

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Oops....found the closer shots......I do have a question though......My Longbow was made in 94 and was 60#@28" when I got her....she feels even stronger today. She does have a wee bit of set in the bottom limb but thats the only change I've noticed over the years. Do ELB's do that? or is it just me getting older.. ;D
Jimmy / Dallas, Georgia

Offline Hillbilly

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Nice. Where did those arrows end up? On the Kamchatka Peninsula?  :)
Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.


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Hillbilly, looks like they were seen heading toward Juno.  ;D  I believe our northern radar stations picked it up. Nice bow JD.

Dick Bernier


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Thanks a lot.  I tried to light my Christmas tree on fire with a flaming arrow and it didn't work.  It's harder than I thought but I haven't given up completely.   :-[

The Welch bow?  A bow can easily gain and lose a little weight over the years.  I don't know how much you're talking about though.  I've had vine maple bows gain and lose 5 pounds or more.

Hillbilly and DBernier,
They went out of sight.  My farthest flyer went 215 yards.  A better shooter would have gotten 240 I'll bet. 

I hope everyone gets a chance to see the detailed pics on the warbow page.  The tips and everything are showed there.

              J. D. Duff

Offline Dane

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Maybe one of those firecage heads would work? And how did the Xmas tree feel about that? :)
Greenfield, Western Massachusetts


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I used a firebasket head stuffed with steel wool soaked with gasoline.  It stayed lit in flight but there is something disconcerting about drawing a huge ball of fire toward your bow hand.   :o  The tree wouldn't light even though I doused it liberally with gasoline.  It was very windy though.  I'll try more but I need to prefect the fuel first I think. 

        J. D. Duff

Offline jpitts

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J.D. ,
Yeah the Welch bow....I think it gained weight and I've lost it...LOL's   ;D
Oh well more incentive to keep the ol muscles toned.
Jimmy / Dallas, Georgia