I have a board of Bubinga with fairly straight grain. A few months ago I had the curious idea to see if it would work as a backing. I used some Satinwood for the core and glued up an RD bow. Then a few weeks ago I decided to tiller the bow out. Everything went well up to 22". The bow was bending well

At 24" it exploded violently, you can still see a piece falling at the bottom of this picture.

This is all that's left

My curiosity as satisfied
I also had some Bulletwood backing strips that Steve Gardner gave me many years. At about the same time I glued the Bubinga bow I decided it was time to make use of them so using the same core wood I glued another RD bow. A couple weeks ago I figured I would tiller out that bow. Everything was going well out to 26". The bow was bending well, it had high draw weight and was losing very little of the reflex I had glued in

Then at 27" it self destructed, violently. The camera just about caught the explosion

This is all that was left of that one

Of the 2 exploding bows not one piece of wood touched me, my nerves on the other hand were a bit frazzled