Got a glove for his bow hand. How about the fletchings ? I have seen shooters of thees bows use real low profile feathers. Is a 40# bow to light to use thees and will they make it so the arrows dont cut his hands ?
It's not the feather, it's the quill which cuts.
I try to sand down the quill as much as possible before sticking them on, of course some binding on the leading edge would help too. Some commercial fletchings have the quill left about 2mm thick, and it's quite sharp on the front edge.
I grip 'em in the clamp of my fleching jig and run 'em back and forth on some sandpaper on a flat surface to thin 'em down.
I hope that make sense?
BTW, I think your lad has the right idea, I don't think all these arrow shelves are very 'primitive'

(scampers off to hide in secret cat nest)