Hi everyone, here is my latest bow experiment, maybe its a first? bamboo backed coconut palm, they are both technically grasses so I figured they would be quite compatible... It is 64" ntn. 55#, I glued in 2 1/2" of reflex (perry reflex style...), it returns to 2" immediately after unstringing and goes back to 2 1/4" of reflex by the next day, only took a 1/4" of set ( I'm obssesed with set

). It shoots good, on a par with boo backed ipe. Strange material, very heavy and dense but fairly soft to work, almost crumbly texture, difficult to work, hope you like the pics, thanks for looking I tillered the lower limb 1/8" stronger because I noticed a tendency with reflexed bows to take about 1/8" extra set on the lower limb and I would have to keep reversing them to balance them out so we will see what happens!!!