Author Topic: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?  (Read 21528 times)

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Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« on: May 13, 2007, 05:58:13 pm »
Hey folks,I'm new to the forum and to primitive equipment.I've shot recurves and longbows for about 5 years now and thought I'd play around with some real old school tackle.I attended Pappy's shoot at Twin Oaks,met some great folks and tillered my first bow.I got my osage stave from Gary Davis who had done most of the work and just gave me a crash cource in tillering.Anyhow,I just got done putting about 3 coats of truoil on it,a piece of cermic rounded off for a shelf(fake bear claw)and a piece of leather stitched on for a grip.Oh and a piece of leather glued on for a strike plate.Here's the stats:53#@28'',661/2''strung,673/4''unstrung.And here's my problem.Brace height from back belly of grip is 31/2'',from back of the bow its 51/8''.I came here for advice because I'm not sure if these lower brace heights are the norm for primitive gear or not.I guess I'm used to laminated bows were the BH is 71/2 to 81/2''.Of cource I know I can twist the string up and get it a little better but I thought I would ask what the norm is.The string is wearing my wrist out and I figured it is BH related.I tried other hand placement with no change.Also what arrow recommendations.Would 50/55 POC's with 125 gr tip be a good start or will I need a weaker spine do to the low BH were it will recover from archers paradox quicker.Sorry so long.Any help would be appreciated.tradrick

Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2007, 06:37:48 pm »
Rick, I'm glad you found us.  Pretty darn addicting isn't it.  I will address your questions, but first let me say we like pictures.  Lets see some pictures of the bow. 

I like a brace height at around 6 1/2"- 7 1/4" from the handle to the string.  I don't really care were it is in reference to the back of the bow.  Ill bet it slaps your wrist. It would rest on my wrist at that low of a brace.  What I usually do is place the bottom of my fist on the bow with my thumb sticking up toward the string. The string at brace should be about the top of your thumb nail.  I would probably start around 40-45# of spine.  If you tell us what length the finished arrow is we can give you a better idea.  Justin
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Offline Pat B

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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2007, 07:23:46 pm »
What Justin Said! ;)  My fistmele(fist on handle with thumb up) is about 5 1/2". That's where I usually brace my bows. Any lower the string slaps my wrist. Also my feathers clear the bow at my fistmele.   Pat

ps We want pics! ;)
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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2007, 07:59:46 pm »
I use a braceheight that feels right. It depends on the bow. the fistmale I rarely use (in one bow only) all others have a smaller braceheight. I use shortbows between 44" and 52" and my braceheight is a little over my fist (so that my fist fits in between the bow and the string.) and no the string does not slap my wrist.
A good tip also to save the fletching is that one SHOULD use a braceheight as high that the feathers don't touch the bow when not drawn. I for one do not use such braceheights.  :D
so my tip would be, that use a braceheight that feels good.

Offline Hillbilly

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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2007, 11:35:36 pm »
I'm like Pat, usually brace at a fist with thumb stuck out from the belly, about 5 1/2-6". I would do like Justin said and start with arrows spined 5-10 lbs. below your draw weight.
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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2007, 12:04:56 am »
  I like a 6" brace height and most my bows are close to center shot so I usually use a spine about equal to my draw wegiht. Steve

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2007, 12:17:40 am »
See Selfbow Care and Tuning on my site. Jawge
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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2007, 07:36:10 am »
Same as Pat and Hillbilly 5 1/2 to 6 is about normal.And about 5 to 10 under the draw weight
depending on how center shot I have been able to get it for my arrow spine.Glad you had a good time at the shoot and found this site,like justin said we like pictures,we don't read to well you know. ;D
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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2007, 08:28:58 am »
I brace as low as possible without the string slapping me. This is usually about 5". If flight shooting I will brace the bow lower
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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2007, 10:30:49 am »
Thanks for the overwhelming responces.Last night after posting I put about 15 or 20 twist in the string and that ended the string slap.Arrow cast and drawing was much smoother as well.As said before the bow is 53#@28''.My usal draw is 28''.However,with this type of bow I guess I'm a little nervous on it breaking so I short draw it a little.About 27'' I'm guessing.As far as arrow length I would like them to be no shorter than 29''with 125gr tips.I have some 1916's that I shot through it to see how they would fly and they did decent with 200gr tips.But I need woodies for the archery shoots and well the 2 just go together right.I have a digital camera if someone can instruct me on how to post pictures.Pappy and GregB congrats on your bow of the month.It was a pleasure meeting you both and I look foward to next year.Pappy you have a beutiful farm and set-up that I am extremley jealous of.Thanks again tradrick

Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2007, 10:36:21 am »
Don't worry about the bow breaking.  Many of us draw to 30" or more. Just shoot it and enjoy. And just to make a correction, my brace is 5 1/2 - 6 1/4. Justin
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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2007, 12:32:32 pm »
I like 5 1/2" to 6" measured from the back.  It's easier on the bow, and makes for alonger powerstroke.


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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2007, 06:03:26 pm »
i cover my fletching which is 5 in fletch..according to the books ,,lower the better or on the lower side..

Offline NorthernArcher

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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2007, 05:26:41 pm »
I'm shooting a 68" osage bow, and I use the fistmele for measuring brace height.  This works out to 6" (15cm), which is perfect for keeping my fletchings off the bow.  As for the wrist slap, get an arm guard.  At 15cm brace height the string still slaps my arm, so I always shoot with a good arm guard.

As far as arrow spine is concerned, it is usually a good idea to go with something a little under your draw weight when matching arrows toa self bow.  Also, for every inch you cut your arrows above or below 28" you need to subtract or add 5# spine respectively.  To be perfectly honest, I have never spined my arrow shafts.  I make my arrows from Red Osier shoots, so I just experimented until I found what worked with my bow, then I made everything else to match that.  With a little practice, it isn't hard to do.  Besides, a spine tester is an unnecessary expense, unless you make your own.
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Offline Coo-wah-chobee

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Re: Brace Height Of Primitive Bows?
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2007, 06:57:37 pm »
              From belly of bow to string is 5 -5 1/4". Measure from base of thumb to end of forefinger. Fletch is 6-7" long. Dont care ifn it touches bow or hand. Ya gonna shoot fast an animal is probably gonna hear string twang, so who cares ifn he or she hears feather dragiin' too. My 2 cents...........................bob
« Last Edit: June 16, 2007, 02:55:50 pm by Kowechobe »