I've never used that combo, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. I usually use hickory, ash, or maple as a backing. Mostly, I'll use a dark contrasting wood color for the mid-lam, like bloodwood or purpleheart. I think osage is the best belly wood for heavier weight laminate warbows.
I made a tri-lam warbow about a year ago... hickory back, bamboo core, and osage belly... 100#@32". Turned out fine, but you couldn't really tell it was a tri-lam. The hickory and bamboo are basically the same color.
I finished a tri-lam just his past fall... ash, purpleheart, osage. I think it looks good... you can really see the layers.
Make your backing and core lams 1/8", and then that way, you'll have enough bely wood to make weight.