Author Topic: I need some info on tools.  (Read 3765 times)

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Offline Ncsnipe

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I need some info on tools.
« on: December 28, 2010, 01:12:18 am »
What are the basic tools necessary to start building bows? Also does anyone on this website sell tools? Thanks for all opinions.

Offline straightarrow

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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2010, 07:00:01 am »
If you are collecting your own stave you will need something to cut the tree down with chainsaw, handsaw, ax...etc. You will also need some wedges and a sledge hammer to split the stave. The handtools I use are a hatchet, drawknife, farriors rasp, coarse rasp, and scraper. You can find most of the tools at a chain hardware store. You will have to get some of your tools like the scraper, draw knife, rasp at a speciality wood store. You can get a farriors rasp for about 15 bucks at a feed store. I have seen draw knives on ebay for a reasonable price, but you might have to do some sharpening. If you buy a draw knife new your looking at 80-100 bucks. I guess you need to ask yourself what your budget is?? You can buy top of line stuff or you can be cheap like me. It was mentioned on here before that I a guy uses scissors as a scraper. There's ways around buying the expensive stuff, but if cost is not a issue three rivers archery has everything to get you started...One stop shop and your done. Don't forget you will need something to secure you wood when you work on a vice or shave horse. I made a wooden bench, cut a hole through the bottom and mounted a vice so i can sit and work. What you will soon learn that there are many methods and a variety of tools for bow building....there are many correct have to pick the way you want to do it.... stone tools, metal hand tools, to power tools.... its all up to you?? This is just the way i choose.

Also... You need a way to tiller your bow such as a tillering stick, tillering tree, or pully system... I use all three

Before deciding I suggest you do alot of reading. Use the advance search option...and get started. I read for weeks before I even got started. The traditional bowyers bible one thru four contains a ton of useful knowledge.



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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2010, 08:08:09 am »
go ask a chain hardware store

What are the basic tools necessary to start building bows? Also does anyone on this website sell tools? Thanks for all opinions.


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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2010, 08:18:53 am »
Books are tools. Get the Bent Stick by Paul Comstock.

Offline artcher1

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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2010, 09:28:26 am »
I agree with Grunt also, buy some books first. Can't beat "The Bent Stick" to start out.........Art

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2010, 11:24:15 am »
You can find drawknives at antique stores for around $20 that are better made than the ones you can buy new.  A Farriors rasp removes wood quickly.  You might want to get some smoother files, flat and half round.  Scissors make good scrapers.  Just take them apart at the hinge and use one side.  That is what I used on my first 2 bows.  As mentioned above, books are great tools.  Another good one is Hunting the osage bow by Dean Torges.

When you are ready for power tools like a bandsaw and belt sander, check your local craigslist site.  You can get used tools at a fraction of the price of new ones.  You could probably find a vise on there also.  Good luck.
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left


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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2010, 11:51:32 am »
Opinions vary when it comes to tools. For me assuming your wood is already cut, in the order of use, pencil, compass, hatchet, draw knife, farriers rasp, cabinet scrapers, 4" rat tail bastard file or chain saw file, and different grits of sandpaper. Often never mentioned is a way to secure your wood while you work on it, which can be done with a vise, shaving horse, or clamps. Heavy leather or a piece of old fire hose work well for protecting your wood while it is clamped. Both books mentioned above are excellent resources that you would no doubt go back to again and again.

Offline bcbull

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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2010, 12:11:37 pm »
bro iv helped severl  young boys get started for  about 50 bucks  heck u can pick most that stuff up at flea mkts real cheap   so look around   befor u buy new stuff  brock

Offline Frode

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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2010, 12:52:37 pm »
What everyone else said.  Also, check out Jawges site (top of the list in the How To and Buildalong section).  I live by my Traditional Bowyers Bible series, but all of the books mentioned are good resources.  Like straightarrow and bcbull say, you don't have to break the bank to get started.  A rasp, maybe a file, and lots of sandpaper will make a bow, the rest just makes life easier.

These are what I use the most, these days.  I start with boards, and for me, a plane, a draw knife, and a low angle spokeshave work best, but that's just me and my sore elbows.  The first pic below is what I use  all the time, and the second one is the tools that do the lions share of the work.

If it doesn't rap the lintel, it might not be a longbow.

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: I need some info on tools.
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2010, 04:59:29 pm »
Hatchet, drawknife, surform, and scrapers (curved and straight)  will give you  good start. Info on my site. Jawge
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