Author Topic: English longbow question and a HELLO!  (Read 3024 times)

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English longbow question and a HELLO!
« on: November 15, 2010, 09:03:58 pm »
Hello everyone. I've been lurking around here for some time. I was a member of the old board for a while many moons ago. Some names I recognize............ some I don't......... anyway, the handle is highnoonhunter, the name is Bobby, and it's good to meet you.

Well, I have a question or three. Maybe ya'll can help me. I draw about 30 inches, and I like LONG bows. Also got target panic, and a short bow only compounds my mistakes. So that said...... I like LONG bows! LOL!

I've been wanting to make something different for a while. Made a few glass bows. Gonna make a few more. Also made a few board bows from time to time. I've had good success making a few red oak pyramid bows about 70 inches long which worked OK, but lack something I can't quite put my finger on. But just never really loved them.

I did make a 64 inch maple bow by following Paul Comstocks directions in his book. I shot that little bow and hunted with it for several years before it suddenly gave up on me. I've never been able to duplicate it though.

I was thinking of maybe trying to build something along the lines of an English longbow, but can't find any info to get started. Maybe an English longbow isn't really what I need??? Any suggestions???

Thanks in advance!

Offline bucksbuoy

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Re: English longbow question and a HELLO!
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2010, 09:14:46 pm »

check this site out. has some great build alongs. the guy is pretty funny too.
Its only wood

Offline ken75

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Re: English longbow question and a HELLO!
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2010, 11:44:59 pm »
Bobby sounds like your wanting something with a lil snap. try a hickory backed ipe in a pyramid or some of that yella wood if you can get it.
far as elbs i havent made many but i always started out 1 1/8 inch for the center 5 inches and then tapered to 1/2 tips and use something thats compression strong, yew , osage , ipe , elm , rock maple , cherry even if backed . hope this helped or gave you some ideas

Offline Del the cat

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Re: English longbow question and a HELLO!
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2010, 04:05:56 am »
Yeah make an ELB, but a real one ;D.
As tall as you plus maybe 1 or 2 inches, no riser and fades. Yew if you can get it, that way youll get a good long draw with no probs.
Yew is a joy to work, is pretty forgiving and looks beautiful. I've not used Osage, but from what I read, it seems harder to work or follow a ring with Osage (I'd be interested to hear from those whove used both. (Osage doesn't grow in the UK))
Have a look at my website (click the globe symbol below my username) there are some Yew longbows on there, some nice simple ones and one with fancy horn nocks etc.
I recently saw a Hickory longbow at our club which one of the guys had shipped over from the USA, it was only a roughly finished bow but performed very well, so that may be a good wood to start with.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 04:11:21 am by Del the cat »
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Offline Parnell

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Re: English longbow question and a HELLO!
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2010, 11:25:43 am »
I'm with Ken, Try a Hickory backed Ipe and go long.  I bet you'll really like it.  I made this one earlier this year, backed with Maple and it's still shooting great, no stack, smooth shooter, and Ipe launches an arrow like no other.,18105.0.html


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Re: English longbow question and a HELLO!
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2010, 02:19:22 pm »
Thanks for all the info everyone! Ya'll sure make some beautiful bows!

Parnell............... where can I get some Hickory and Ipe?


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Re: English longbow question and a HELLO!
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2010, 02:24:40 pm »
Yeah make an ELB, but a real one ;D.
As tall as you plus maybe 1 or 2 inches, no riser and fades. Yew if you can get it, that way youll get a good long draw with no probs.
Yew is a joy to work, is pretty forgiving and looks beautiful. I've not used Osage, but from what I read, it seems harder to work or follow a ring with Osage (I'd be interested to hear from those whove used both. (Osage doesn't grow in the UK))
Have a look at my website (click the globe symbol below my username) there are some Yew longbows on there, some nice simple ones and one with fancy horn nocks etc.
I recently saw a Hickory longbow at our club which one of the guys had shipped over from the USA, it was only a roughly finished bow but performed very well, so that may be a good wood to start with.

Thanks Del!
I would love to try one made of yew, but I figure I'd better give it a try with something that maybe wouldn't be so expensive. Thanks for the info about the length!
Love those horn nocks! Gee those are nice!