Author Topic: Anchoring, at the chin, cheek, or eye, behind the ear, advantages? Disadvantages  (Read 11057 times)

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Offline toomanyknots

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I anchor around my eye or upper cheek and look right down the shaft to aim, or behind those areas. I have begin to feel that this is not the best way, or even should be done that way, due to the potential to pull upward on the string effecting the path of the arrow.

 "You cannot sight down the arrow without spoiling the draw. If your bow-hand is slanted upward to eye-level, when you release it will drop and spoil the shot." -

I think, haven't got it down yet, that the picture of proper form in tbb 4 may be the best to choose, but I don't know. Where the anchor point is almost at the chest. I see pictures of different form/shooting postures, and some even dictate to raise the elbow. I was just wondering if anybody's got some input, just fishin...
"The way of heaven is like the bending of a bow-
 the upper part is pressed down,
 the lower part is raised up,
 the part that has too much is reduced,
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Offline sailordad

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use what ever works for "you"
my way may not work best for you and yours may not work for the next guy
i prefer a shorter draw length than pullling to the corner of my mouth
i release when my thumg starts to toch my lip
which gives me about a 26" draw,if i pull to the corner of my mouth its aboot 28.5"
but i dont like the feel of the string on my face,and it affects my acuuracy
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Offline tetaxidermy

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I anchor at the corner of my mouth, but I shoot instinctive. Can't look down the arrow or gap shoot, never learned to aim per say, I just shoot. Everyone is different do what works for you. I also shoot 3 under most of the time.
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Offline aznboi3644

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I dont look at the arrow to aim...I do see it in the sight view of the target but i shoot instinctive with a swing draw

Offline straightarrow

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I have experimented with several anchors over the years. I prefer to tuck my middle finger in the corner of my mouth. I shoot instinctive and don't look at the arrow.

Offline Kegan

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I anchor with the web up my thumb tucked under the bottom edge of my jaw bone and my index finger touching my top lip. This puts the arrow at the corner of my mouth. At that this point the arrow is close enough to make aiming easier while keeping my arm low enough that it's easy to pull heavier bows.

I used to anchor loser to my chin. My poor eye sight and coordination made this very hard to use consistently. I also anchored higher for a time, but this threw my arm out of alignment and wore me out way too fast.
When I anchor the web of the tumb rather than concentrating on anchoring my finger tips, I usually can relax my drawing hand and arm more. This also lets me relax my bow hand more too, so most of the drawing is done with my back and there's less torquing and plucking of the bow. There are pictures and explanations of how I shoot on my site, if you'd like some photos.

Offline leapingbare

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I anchor with the knuckle of my thumb touching my bottom jaw bone.
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Offline El Destructo

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I normally always Anchor with my bent thumb riding my Jawbone...and the tip of my middle finger in the corner of my mouth....this works for me....
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Offline crooketarrow

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    You must do what fells natural.I shoot middle finger touch a tootH.Thumb locked behind my jaw.

Offline El Destructo

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Sounds like a basic technique is taking form here....
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Offline Pat B

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My draw is 26" and my anchor is my index finger at the corner of my mouth. I generally release as soon as I hit anchor. If I find myself short drawing I will hold anchor for a second or two until I get the short draw worked out.
  I never see my arrow and if everything is working the way it should I don't remember the actual shot. When that happens I know I have the mechanics and concentration down pat.  ;)
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Offline Josh

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down pat, LOL.   ;D I anchor about the same way.  middle finger touches corner of my mouth and thumb touches below my cheekbone.  I have been having a problem with releasing before hitting my anchor lately so I think I will try and hold my draw a few seconds before I release sounds like a good idea.  :)
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Offline Pat B

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Josh, holding at full draw like that for a few shots usually solves the problem until the next time!  ;D  This happens to me when I'm shooting a bow that is a bit heavy for me or if I haven't shot for a while.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Hillbilly

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Middle fingertip in the corner of the mouth. I think I unconciously look down the shaft for windage.
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Offline Pappy

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Same as Hillbilly on a good day. ;) :) Sometimes about half way between my bow hand and the corner of my mouth. ;D ;D
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