Author Topic: Awesome Morning!  (Read 2194 times)

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Offline Mark Anderson

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Awesome Morning!
« on: October 11, 2010, 03:16:25 pm »
Well I got to go for the second time today. Season here in MO started the 15th of Sept. but I've only been out twice now. Great morning. In the stand at 6:00. It's not in a funnel or anything but it is where five different trails converge. At 7.30 I had a HUGE tom come in but hung out at around 30 yards. All I could do is scare him just a little at that distance. Meanwhile through the trees I saw five young bucks chasing each other around and racking their antlers together. Watched thm for a good 11/2 hours. Then presently a nice healthy doe came in and stopped at 18 yds. I started to raise my bow slowly to shoot, just began to draw and here came two fawns with a few spots on them still. So I let off and just watched them little buggers run and play and nibble on stuff for a bit. The doe was fat especially considering the babys I'm sure were still nursing. About 10:30 everything was stil and quiet so i got downand took a walk. Found two big rubs and another trail that I didn't know was there. Came home empty handed but for the experience which is just about as good anyway!
"Mommy some guys just don't know how to shoot REAL bows so they have to buy them, probably at Walmart and they have wheels on them."  Caedmon Anderson (4yrs)

Offline mullet

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Re: Awesome Morning!
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 05:45:00 pm »
 Sounds like a really great morning, hard to beat that without some meat hanging.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Awesome Morning!
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2010, 06:13:04 pm »
It ain't always about the Kill....I have more  fun with a camera taking pictures....or trying to get as close as possible stalking me a feeling of satisfaction thats irreplaceable when I can fool them and get that close....makes you feel like you really did your job right...sounds to me like you had a great experience.....
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 06:17:15 pm by El Destructo »
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