Congratulations to Adam Keiper from Palmyra, PA for Winning August Self BOM!!
From Alpinbogen:
I recently finished this osage bow, which will be one of my front runner hunting sticks this fall. The stave had a wicked left-right, rotation wiggle, but overall took surprisingly little effort to bring in line. It's well boned at 60" and full of muscle with 63# @ 25". The tip overlays are figured maple. I've got a thing for red bows, especially hunting bows, which some leather dye satisfied. After a few coats of finish, I broke out a pencil and paint pens for added mojo. Since the constellation Orion is my annual hunting partner on pre-dawn Autumn mornings, and the dots reminded me of such, so it was dubbed. I'll have to wait until October to see what excitement it brings.
Sampling of praise this bow recieved:"that has got to be one of the most impressive bows ive ever seen. beautiful artwork, this one gets my next vote !! -ken75
"What can be said, awesome character bow, very fine tiller, and the finish work you've taken to the highest level. The Orion motif and your crafted forethought summarizes what a handmade hunting tool can be about. That bow's got soul." -Parnell
"Ok this one got my attention at the first glance. Wow that is one interesting bow. Very well done" -Jesse
"Looks like a winner to me" -Buckeye Guy
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