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here is the jig i made and some points too
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Topic: here is the jig i made and some points too (Read 2658 times)
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andy thomas
Posts: 142
here is the jig i made and some points too
August 07, 2010, 01:34:32 am »
been waiting on the brother to fletch up some arrows for me and he is too busy so i grabbed some lumber and such and made up a jig.
this one shows the clamp i made, piece of black walnut with flashing on it then i drilled out the holes in the metal and through the flashind and walnut to hold the bolt and nut. i counter sunk the back hole to hold the bolt in place.
this part was the hardest had to drill a hole in the dowl rod to hold the arrow knock. took three times before i had it set. i then drilled a hole all the way threw and put a piece of wire threw. i then put two drops of super glue on the wire.
i then put the dowl rod threw the jig and then added another piece of wire on the back side. i then added a fletched arrow into the jig. i marked the position of the fletch on the back side and then cut marks to hold the wire in place.
grabbed the kids bow and shot a few today
well these arrows had broadheads on them when i got them so i took them off and was going to order some field tips, but after reading about the arrow heads you guys are makeing i said what the heck. the boys had gone out to grandpa's the other day and they found were he had been shooting his pistal and they picked up some brass. so why not i tried the brass and it fit the shaft nicely. i made these with a 9 mm brass and a roofing nail and hot glue. first i took the brass and put it in the vise and drilled out the primer( brass gets hot watch your fingers) i then took the roof nail and slid it in and then took it to the disk sander and brought down the head size to fit into the brass. i pulled the nail out placed a little hot glue in and shoved the nail in( have a paper towl handy to grab the nail and pull it threw sinse the nail will be covered with glue)i then straightened the nail in the brass and cleaned some of the glue off of the nail. i then placed more glue into the brass and pushed the arrow on, a little twist and then a little staitening and we had heads
the pics above with the arrows in the bag are with these heads but i had left the brass flat, so back to the grinder and i ground down the edge to make it more rounded.
i think with a little playing and the use of my dremal tool i could get them rounded a little more. i might cut some of the nail down but we will see.
Posts: 11,981
Re: here is the jig i made and some points too
Reply #1 on:
August 07, 2010, 01:39:11 am »
Necessity is a mother! Good use of the scrap wood, looks like the jig worked.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.
half eye
Re: here is the jig i made and some points too
Reply #2 on:
August 07, 2010, 12:53:22 pm »
My applause sir, not only using what ya got, but damned fine lookin to boot
jeff halfrack
Posts: 116
Re: here is the jig i made and some points too
Reply #3 on:
August 07, 2010, 01:45:54 pm »
Good THINKIN!!!!!!!!!! you keep tweeking that jig and you'll have something great (not that it isn't allready!) but when you take ownership of an idea like this it just gets better with time keep it comming JEFF W
Posts: 1,065
Re: here is the jig i made and some points too
Reply #4 on:
August 07, 2010, 01:52:56 pm »
Coooool I love it.
Great Britain.
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here is the jig i made and some points too