Well, we've learned a thing or three this summer in our container gardening experiment.
We discovered that, evidently, squirrels rather enjoy tomatoes, ripe or not. I noticed that there's not just one squirrel living in my backyard woodpile, but an entire family. Oh, well, whaddya gonna do? They gotta eat and they're entertaining. So, scratch off tomatoes as a container garden success story here. Better to buy them from the community market. And take advantage of Safeway selling Cherokee Purple tomatoes rather cheaply this summer---UMMMM!!!
Jalapeno, Habanero, and Thai chile plants in containers are a huge success!! Lots and lots of jalapenos so far---and hot, too!
We lost one---count 'em, ONE---jalapeno to a squirrel. Found it in the yard with one little bite out of it. I wish I could have seen him take that bite out of it. Noticed the water pan for the birds was almost dry.
After that little exposure to Sir Jalapeno, the squirrels give the chile plants a wide berth. No more losses. They haven't even considered trying on a habanero or Thai chile on for size. The jalapenos have produced a lot of chiles and I've gotten both greens and let some ripen to red. This week's harvest is in the food dehydrator right now. I'm drying them. Some books say drying them can't be done. We'll see about that. The house smells great right now!! The habaneros are coming in, lots of fruit. And the Thai have lots of chiles on there. Success!! Chiles are a winner!
Saskatoon Serviceberry. We planted this in the yard. No container. It loves it here. And we got berries off it. Success! I might need to plant another! This was my wife's choice and a great choice at that. This is a winner! And didn't need a container. Got from a native plant store here.
Purslane. Another success story. Planted this in the yard and it's taking off like rockets. If it comes back next year, it's a success story.
Our mints came back, including our Oswego Tea. Mint loves this place. Our thyme made a weak return. But the mints can be counted on each year to show up. They're all success stories.
Planted some shallots in the yard. They came up. We'll have to see what the bulbs look like before I call them a success.