Author Topic: QUESTION ABOUT ENGLAND  (Read 9315 times)

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Offline Blacktail

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« on: July 06, 2010, 11:19:00 pm »
I didn't know where to put this to get ahold of some English guys.. and i know its in the wrong,whats it like living in the england area..i am doing a search about rent,money,living expense compaired to the USA..the season i ask is that i have all ways wanted to drop every thing and just live in anther,if you have any info that would be great..thanks john

Offline Gordon

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« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2010, 01:49:15 am »
Nothing against England, but if you're going to drop everything and move to another country consider New Zealand - some of the best hunting and fishing in the world is over there.

Offline Del the cat

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« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2010, 04:23:05 am »
England is only small but is very varied, so it's hard to generalise. Some places are very cheap due to local unemployment (e.g some areas of Wales) Others are V expensive (e.g anywhere close to London or the coast).
If you have an area in mind then you can find rental prices on the internet.
Again there is everything form dead flat and boring (East Anglia) to rocky coastline (Cornwall) to Mountains or rolling chalk downland (my fave).
I'm in Harlow 45 mins by train North of London, it's a 'New Town' (Built to house the people bombed out of London so it's a bit modern), however it's close to London and historic places and the countryside is flattish but not too far from the coast or rolling hills.
One thing you will have to get used to is our entirely different concept of distance... to us a 2hour drive is a 'long way' whereas I imagine that in your vat country it would be considered 'just up the road'  ;D
Huntin' shootin' & fishin' in UK can be expensive... and NO bowhunting :o (illegal in UK)
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Offline HoBow

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« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2010, 08:27:30 am »
I'm with Gordon. NZ for outdoors, extreme sports, and super laid back nice people. Plus you can call yourself a converted kiwi ;)
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA

Offline peasant1381

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« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2010, 10:55:24 pm »
I'm English but I've lived in NZ for 22 years. Each country has it's pro and cons.

My experience is this:

England for family,the English people, history, closeness to Europe, beer and the fact that spiritually it'll always be home.

NZ for climate, outdoor lifestyle, a lot less people - 4.5 million v 60 million in approx the same land area, better food and a lower cost of living.

The main drawback about NZ is when you want to travel overseas. It costs a lot money and it takes a long time.

Offline mullet

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« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2010, 11:00:39 pm »
  Why would you want to leave. ;D
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline El Destructo

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« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2010, 11:18:58 pm »
Let see...Hunting...Hiking...Fishing....Wilderness...did I mention Hunting...and with a Bow even...I am with Eddie...Why would You wnat to leave.... ???
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Offline peasant1381

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« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2010, 09:03:25 pm »
I like travelling, going to new places, visiting historic places, meeting the locals (been to the US several times, still haven't been to the South yet - one day)

Offline markinengland

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« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2010, 12:48:17 pm »
England is a truly lovely country and life here can be great, but it can be great anywhere! It helps if you have money so you can choose to live anywhere you want and don't have to worry about work. Without money life can be grim because you have to live where you have to live and this may be somewhwre cheap and not so nice and maybe well paid work is hard to come by.

We have lovely countryside but not a while load of wilderness, well not any wilderness really.

Madona likes England, but maybe that is because she has heaps of money and lives the high life in London.

I geuss what I am saying is that England can be really good, if you like the English way of life. if not it may be just like or worse than wherever is home for you now.

Mark in England

Offline nidrinr

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« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2010, 07:59:36 pm »
From having visited England 5 times, I'd say go for it. I've been to Batsford the two last years, and meeting all the nice people there combined with such a great event makes me recommend England to all.

If you're in a lack of money, you could always work up money during a summer up here in Norway. Lots of Europeans do. No trouble earning a lot of money if you take a summer on board a fishermans boat, working the fields in a strawberry farm or whatever. During the short summer we've got, all Norwegians want to enjoy a couple of warm months without working. I've heard of people making up to 300 000,- NOK (about 30 000,- Euro) in a summer...

Offline El Destructo

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« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2010, 08:53:55 pm »
OK...I am in....make damned near 38,000 american a few months....I only make twice that in twelve....where do I sign up.... ;D
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Offline HoBow

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« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2010, 09:20:44 pm »
I've been to Norway and it seams it cost about that to live for a few months  ;D I was surprised at how expensive everything was!!!  It would be cool to work the boats up there, enjoying the crabbelag, and it is the only place I've ever been offered reindeer  ;)
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA

Offline nidrinr

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« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2010, 04:09:45 am »
True, everything is expensive.. Unless you know how to avoid it. Basically you are able to live for free if you know how to. You're allowed to camp for free everywhere you want to as long as you're 100 meters or more away from a house where people live, and as long as you move your camp after 3 days when you're in sight of people. Moving it 3 inches is enough, the law doesn't say how far you need to move it. If you put up a camp in the woods it can stay through the summer, or even for years if you like it cold (We had 3 months with an average temperature of -25'C last winter..)
Go to the local butcher for meat instead of the local super market chain, and you get moose for less money than commersial meat. Or talk to a hunter, it's a lot of hunters up here. Not yet allowed to hunt with a bow and arrow, but if you live close to Sweeden it's no trouble. Fishing is free in some large lakes and along the coast.  Talk to the local farm and you get vegetables very cheap. Woods are  full of free berries, and peolpe are usually happy if you help them collect their garden fruits. Just call the doorbell and ask.

And yes, reindeer meat is easy to find. (My wife is Saami, so we usually have more than halv a reindeer in the freezer, bought or traded with family and friends in Finnmark). Buying it here in the southern parts of Norway is expensive though.

But yes, it is generally expensive up here.. That's why Norwegian tourists seem to go wild everywhere they are..

I guess the average hard working during the summer could easy save up 100 000,- NOK.  300 000,- is for the ones lucky to find a well paid job or two. Selling bows and other handwork might also be a good source of income, if you know where to sell it.

Offline sonny

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« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2010, 12:25:02 pm »
OK...I am in....make damned near 38,000 american a few months....I only make twice that in twelve....where do I sign up.... ;D

Is there some logic in the statement above that I'm missing, perhaps ??
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Offline El Destructo

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« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2010, 03:10:20 pm »
OK...I am in....make damned near 38,000 american a few months....I only make twice that in twelve....where do I sign up.... ;D

Is there some logic in the statement above that I'm missing, perhaps ??

Yeah....I would love to be able to make a Years wages there...In 4-6 much simpler could I have put it....... >:(
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