Here in the uk there is sadly a lack of primitive archers and bowyers. Last year, feeling alone and isolated I decided to join the nearest archery club thinking at least there would be some long bow men amongst them. Firstly I was told I must complete a begginers course, I complained saying I'd shot bows for 20 years, but no, I had to comply with the rules, so I humbly agreed. I proudly turn up at the club next day, with my latest BBI in hand. Loking confused, they ask what kind of bow is that?. I reply its a 60lb BBI I made it. But what kind of bow is that, he replies, never seen one of those befort? It will have to be inspected for saftey you know Have you done an apprenticeship?. I hand over the bow for inspection, hoping for some respect for fine craftsmanship. The leader looks confused, turns it around a few times totaly unable to relate to what he is looking at and says, well I suppose it looks safe and hands it back. Oh well he's a compound man I'm thinkng , Ill get on better with the long bow men. There was 2 of them there that day. The first looks at my bow as confused as the leader, the second, asks what category of bow is this? I no nothing of categories I've always shot in the woods, I reply, but its fast!! Lets see what these long bows can do I've heard a lot about them.. I was very confused and dissapointed. These bows where looong. must have been at least 76", and they kept unstringing them between shots.

?? why, to keep up their speed, their power was quick to let off apperently!! They had at least a 3" set as far as I could see. I decide to ask for a closer look at their bows. Hickory backed lemonwood with a purple heart core they proudly respond. Made by the most respected, 'official' longbowyer in Britain (whose name I wont mention unless you pm me)

Very nice I reply, even though they where well sluggish compared to my uncatergorised bbi.
I thuoght wow, they're gonna be well impresed with the speed and performance of my bow, and they can leave it strung all day! I'm gonna get some sales here!! But no, The first guy, says hes about to buy a new long bow and he will sell me his old one at a good price , then I can shoot a real lonbow

Its all true They wherent concerned, or didnt even notice the performance difference of these bows , they where only concerned with the looks and style.
Even now , I'm confused, as to why, Britains most well know longbowyer, uses the heaviest wood in the core of his laminated bows, makes no sense to me, can anyone else explain it. What is the use of been stuck in tradition at the expense of practical performance?. I persevered for a few weeks at this club but quickly got bored. I hope you like this true, unexaggerated story. By the way, their shooting was ok, not great but ok. The compounds thrashed me every time