Between work, traveling, and being somewhat under the weather lately, I've not gotten much done on projects. Today I managed to make a little progress on a pair of bows under construction. Even got the lawn mowed between rain showers.

A while back a man in SC gave me a Persimmon log, and I quartered it out. He also gave me a Yellow Lab Puppy. A female, and she is really turning into a fine dog. The puppy is where the molested turtle comes into the story. She sticks pretty close to me when we are out and about. While working on these projects, I heard a ruckus, and went to investigate. There my little lab is carrying a turtle. With the happiest look in here eyes, she was bringing me the turtle. She was happy that is, until the turtle stuck it's head out just enough to give her a pinch. She let out a yelp, and let that critter go pronto. Then she proceded to be mad, and bark the turtle out of it's shell.

Anyway I decided to build the kind man in SC a Persimmon bow, and a Red Oak bow for his Grandson. Got the Red Oak tillered out, and my wife put a hundred shots on it for me. Tiller seems to be holding. It pulls twenty five pounds at twenty eight. I'll thin those tips out super thin, and haven't decided what sort of finish to put on it.
The Persimmon is still holding too much moisture to do much with, but I did rough it in, and get rid of a bunch of mass. It is pulling reflex as it dries, and has some slight barber pole to contend with. That will be dealt with at a later time. So here are some photos of a couple almosts, and a molested turtle.
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