Lombard, I think they greased the stuff out of the sinew cables and the "rub pad" below the cable, that seal oil will about stick to anything.
Parnell, I believe the bridge is prevent the ends from snapping off if you tension the cable too much, and in draw it does prevent the recurves from working. That little whitewood piece is on the belly and serves as a wear plate for the sinew that holds the twist in the main cable, there is a lot of pressure trying to straighten themselves out. I ran the first strip of sinew from knock to knock untill I had two cables of 10 strands each, and fed the loose end into the strands sort of like a flemish twist string. Then a second very long continuous strand (they used a a braided sinew cord) you could also call it plaited. Twist the end into one of the cable bundles and start wrapping the two together with a spiral wrap, when you get to the first limb wrap (or any of them) wrap the line around the llimb around the cable, back around the limb and back to the cable and cinch down with either a half hitch or soldier hitch then just keep on truckin. I spent more time pulling that long %$@!*@ thru all the turns than tying....it gets a lot better by the time ya get to the grip.
Pappy, ya got to blame that Georgia Ken dude, he sent me the damned book, next thing ya know I'm in over my head

Hey Del, no such a thing....I only have one authentic pic of a bow with a bridge block and it looked pretty big to me. I made 4 sets of them and settled on these. I was affraid that if they were too thin (contact with the limb) they would create a problem from the pressure on them being concentrated on too small of an area. So that's why I made them broad with the corners well rounded. One other thing is the overall weight of the bow....it's pretty heavy compared to a small NA flat bow.....well any all wood bow for that matter.
Hope I came up with some type of answer for all of you....remember this is my first one so mostly I had to go with pics, descriptions and such and don't know any Eskimo type people......no warrantee, express or implied