Hey - thanks for all the encouragement everybody!

Seeing the work you all put up is sure inspiring. In fact I never would have attempted making points or bows if it wasn't for this forum. I forgot to mention that the points are on a slab of Burns Green that I bought at Glass Buttes. I also picked up the slab in this photo and a couple of points from Eric Juhola for inspiration. The longer blade is also Burns Green, and I believe he said the smaller one was a Texas Chert of some kind.
Hey Brian - would you like to get together for knapping again some time? I'll bring you a (bribe) nice piece of rock to work on! Also do you know Mic Hill? He lives in Lacey, is an excellent knapper (a wizard with bi-faces) and is talking about having some knapping get togethers with local guys if you are interested.
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