What? Laminations not sticking properly! I've never heard of such a thing

A while back I used up some old f/glass lams (spits on floor) that I found in the garage from my Xbow days.
They'd been used once but I cleaned 'em up, glued up a tapered lam, round the wrong way

undid it, turned an old maple tryout into the core, glued it up as an Asiatic recurve but it was take 90# just to get the darn thing braced

.So I split it all down rasped 1/32" off the core and glued it up again.
Pull your self together man, stiff upper lip. you know you love it

, just like cold showers, it's character forming.
I mean if you're fed up with making bows I'm sure 'her indoors' (the one who must be obeyed) will find some nice decorating or even shopping you could do
