Author Topic: Drying sinew  (Read 9350 times)

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Drying sinew
« on: April 02, 2010, 06:27:12 pm »
I've carried out a bit of a search for drying out fresh sinew but couldn't see anything specifically related to it so I thought I'd ask in here...

Has anyone posted any "how to" about drying out sinew fesh from the deer/freezer?  Or would some knowledgeable soul like to? :)

I've got some sinew in the freezer and want to know what I'm doing before I thaw it and dry it out.  Do I need to make a drying bow or something similar?  I'm guessing I don't just hang it in the hot press with the sheets and towels ;)  (not if I don't want my wife to try archery out on me!!).  Is it like hides in that it could be salted and hung in a shed to "air dry"?

Any advice would be muchly appreciated!

Thanks,  Steve.

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Re: Drying sinew
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2010, 06:44:21 pm »
Yep...thats all there is to it...cut them out of the Leg from the Wrist to the them...lay them out on something flat where it is dry...don't need to hot...just dry...and let them dry totally out....when ready to use them...hit them with a round rock....or a Hammer to break the Sinew loose from the Outer Sheath...and you are ready to store it...or process it into finished sinew for your Bow
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Re: Drying sinew
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 08:47:49 pm »
Thanks guys!!

Jake Levi

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Re: Drying sinew
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2010, 10:18:38 am »
I put mine in coffee cans, with a moth ball or two and set it behind a big gas space heater in the bedrm to dry, after a month its ready to work, the cans sit there til I am ready to use them,

I had a can once get hit by a beetle of some kind and every since have put a moth ball or two in the cans, has worked well, no bugs of any kind in them.

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Re: Drying sinew
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 09:55:27 am »
I just lay mine out flat where it doesn't touch itself and let it dry,I chew my backstrap sinew so I wouldn't want to use moth balls,never really had a problem with bugs. :)
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Re: Drying sinew
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2010, 12:28:11 am »
im like Pappy, lay out ot dry
and i too like to chew it

how do you tell the male one from the female ones to get what ya need from them?
and doesnt it hurt them when you cut them off?  ;D
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Re: Drying sinew
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2010, 02:31:37 am »
I keep my perishable primitive stuff, ie. sinew, feathers, bear grease, snake skins, Urac185, etc, in the "other frig" in the basement.
 I do like Pappy too when drying sinew. It really doesn't take that long...but keep your dog, cat, iguana, python away from it.   :o  ;)
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