Author Topic: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished  (Read 7571 times)

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Offline recurve shooter

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killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« on: March 26, 2010, 12:18:32 am »
ok so let me start by saying i dont just go around slaying grinners. hear me out. i had my live trap set behind my house just to see what was back there. when i went to check it today it had a grinner in it. i really wasnt expecting to catch anything, so all i was carying was the redoak board bow i just finnished so i could stump shoot after i checked the trap. well of course my first thought was "usless critter" and i opened the trap and dumped him out and he scurreyd a little ways off. i took out my phone to answer a txt from the girl friend, and when i looked back up he was sitting ten yards or so away lookin around. at that point i noticed a big wound on his side. he had been attacked by something and had a two inch wide, three inch long wound on his side, skin gone, bare flesh showing. i figured the guy was probably in pain, and wished i had my .22. but all i had was my bow, so i took out one of my cane arrows which i also made  ;D with a flat blunt made by inserting a nail into the end of the cane and sanding it all even. anyway he was looking off to my left so i drew the bow for its whopping fith shot in its life and took aim. my arrow hit him behind the ear and killed him. he began his death jerks, and because of my lack of confidence in my weapons i sent another arrow into his forehead. the first shot killed him, so it was a quick clean death. i skinned him out and have the skin drying, and it will become string scilencers for the bow that killed him. sorry i know this is a long winded explination of killing a possum, but in a way im proud of it and in a way i kinda feel bad for the little guy. anyway here's the pic.

lets just shoot it

Offline Josh

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Re: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2010, 12:37:11 am »
Good job offering him a swift, humane death. I hate to see an animal suffer. Glad to see you are going to use his hide so his death isn't a waste.  I know he is just an opossum, but I believe all life is sacred and I don't kill anything unless I have a good reason to.  I have senselessly killed animals in the past when I was growing up and I feel really bad for it but I try to make up for that by doing the right thing now.  That's awesome you got something with the bow you have just shot 5 times too.  Is that the red oak bow you posted a few days ago for a tiller check?  Looks great!    :)
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Offline recurve shooter

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Re: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2010, 08:56:14 am »
josh, yeah, im the same way. i dont kill anything and waste it, my dad and grandpa taught me not to do it, and now that im older, it makes sence. and yup thats the bow from a few days ago. i ended up just leaving the tiller where it was and putting on a finish. i learned that dark walnut stain looks like crap on redoak lol.  :P
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Offline Greatgoogamooga

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Re: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 11:02:36 am »
Tough call.  I won't argue your reasoning on putting him down.  Possums lead a very harsh life.  I saw a study one time that showed possums in urban areas have a shorter lifespan than those far away from people.  Not just from being hit by cars and such, but from the stress.  They get beat up, cut, bruised and harrassed a lot.  that one was probably in for a bad time.  By the same token, I respect the fact that you let free from the cage before you saw his injury.


Offline Parnell

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Re: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2010, 01:19:36 pm »
It was the right thing to do.  For him to stop like that so close probably means he was suffering and probably would have died from infection.  That's a more honorable death than being hit by a car and at least he went out "with his boots on." 

Offline Tsalagi

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Re: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2010, 11:45:41 pm »
Heck, that possum looks clean enough to roast with sweet potatoes.
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Offline sailordad

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Re: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2010, 01:36:50 am »
very nice end for the critter

and dont worry its just a fancy rat
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Offline recurve shooter

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Re: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2010, 12:04:13 pm »
lol. i aint eatin anything that smells that bad, sorry.  :P
lets just shoot it

Offline jeff halfrack

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Re: killed a possum with the bow i just finnished
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2010, 02:39:31 pm »
  GOOD JOB!!!!   I  wouldn't  hunt with  a  guy  that  didn't  feel  just  a  little  bad  after  a  kill,  it  doesn't  take  long  to  look  up  and  say  sorry  and  thanks.  jmho    good  job  JEFF W