Ya Bob, it was a sad day, been wearing that hat for over 20 years, tried to get Miss Joanie to sew it back up but she sad NO.

Guess I will just wear my other old one, not sure I have enough time to break in another.

My old Dodge laid down on me last week so got to put a fuel pump in it, ant sure who had the bright idea to put that in the fuel tank but if I could fine him/her I would give them a swift kick in the behind,

you either have to drop the tank/pull the bed or cut a hole in the bed. Not sure which I will do yet but I do know after 32 years I will have some rusty bolts to deal with so the hole in the bed may be the ticket, we will see today.Got plenty of other things I need to be doing but I got to have my old truck so it will take priority for now.
