Yeah, Eddie's got black hair and he's 6'4".... eeyup and he likes his june bugs marinated!

Did seem like the kinda feller that could hit ya in the jaw three times before you knew what hit ya though.

I told some fellas at work about the bug thing and they shook their heads and said "What kinda folks you hangin out with Parker? Still wanna see the arrow catching thing though. It was good to meet all my long lost cousins, with that many Parkers there I'm surprised there wasn't any trouble!.
Brian (Koan ) and Mike( Auggie) you guys were a non stop laugh fest. Had a ball shooting that part of the range in the dark with ya. Still think we need to do the WHOLE thing in the dark next year.
I also wanna say thanks to Pappy and his whole crew for their hospitality. They really do make every one feel at home and make sure everybody has what they need. They cooked 27 deer shoulders I was told, for the potluck saturday night and it was some of the best meat I have ever eaten. There was some kinda sausage their that was like summer sausage but was cooked. Delicious! It was all good and there was always someone manning the concession stand when ya needed them.Just having the folks willing to put forth the effort is a testimony to how serious these guys are about putting on a great shoot and an even better bowmaking get together.
Hope the feather grinding jigs give you many years of service, Pappy. Lemme know if ya wear 'em out. See ya next year.